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MASUPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION MINUTES <br /> AUGUST 7, 2007 <br /> Present: Rene Read, Joe Noonan, Bob Cobuzzi, Robyn Simmons. <br /> Joe Noonan opened and chaired the meeting due to Jim Wils absence and resignation. <br /> The Minutes of July 10, 2007 were moved and unanimously approved. <br /> Joe reviewed the numbered items from the last meeting giving a progress and status report on <br /> each. Joe will follow up with McGregor/Mashpee Industrial Trust. <br /> Rene will get a progress report along with previous minutes to the new member, Bob Walsh. <br /> Doug Storr will be at our neat meeting to discuss ideas about a hotel and any interest. Any <br /> marketing study would be interesting to hear. <br /> A meeting conference center needs to be in place. <br /> A discussion occurred about the placement of the new wind tower. Monitoring occurs for one <br /> year before installation. <br /> The Planning Department needs to sort through the Town land and pick out parcels that are good <br /> for housing and commercial use, and then advertise to the EDIC. Zoning knowledge is needed. <br /> The EDIC website needs to be updated. <br /> We need to become more politically active with visits to Delehunt and O'Leary. There is grant <br /> money available and legislation that can help. <br /> We need to check the status of the updated Economic Development Plan which is part of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> The 501c determination by legal counsel was that it is not needed. EDIC can float bonds. Joe <br /> will follow this up and email Rene information. <br /> We need to follow up on the Town transferring two properties to EDIC. If yes, we can get an <br /> RFP process started. Rene will follow up. <br /> We need Tom Fudala to contact Meghan Amsler from Cape Cod Self Reliance re: alternate <br /> energy sites and products. <br /> We need to meet two times per month starting in September. We need to work on the goals we <br /> established and accomplish them. <br /> NEXT MEETING: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2007 AT 4:00 P.M. <br />