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MASHPEE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 4, 2007 <br /> Present: Joe Noonan, Robyn Simmons, Bob Cobuzzi, Bob Walsh, Rene Read, Terry Cook. <br /> Joe Noonan opened and chaired the meeting at 6:10 p.m. Rene noted that Mary LeClair has been <br /> appointed to the Committee and needs to be sworn in by the Town Clerk. Rene will provide <br /> Mary with information to bring her up to date. <br /> I <br /> The Minutes of October 16, 2007 were approved unanimously. <br /> i <br /> In reference to the Hotel RFP from 2004 which was distributed at a previous meeting: The <br /> committee came to a conclusion collectively to not pursue a hotel at this time The motion was <br /> made by Bob Walsh, seconded by Bob Cobuzzi. Unanimous. Bob Walsh noted that EDIC is a <br /> financing venue, not an economic development agency. Mashpee is covered by legislation to <br /> seek financing through the State. <br /> i <br /> Joe Noonan suggested going forward and preparing a plan for the two town-owned parcels. <br /> Bob Walsh commented we need a marketing approach to attract an investor to partner with the <br /> Town to develop that land. The Town will also need to transfer the parcels to EDIC in order to <br /> develop and/or sell the parcels. A sub group will work on coming up with a plan. Bob Walsh is <br /> willing to contact people who might help. <br /> In reference to the MTC Wind Site Analysis: Rene, Tom Mayo, and Catherine Laurent have <br /> been reviewing data and recommendations on where to place a wind tower. They concur that <br /> Heritage Park is the best site to collect wind data to determine if a tower could be located there <br /> eventually. Other sites to be investigated are the school site and possibly Town Hall. Data <br /> collection can be within a mile radius of a potential site. Rene will keep the Committee updated. <br /> Rene invited the Committee to attend a free Wind Project Conference on Friday, December 14`l', <br /> 2007, at the Marriot Hotel in Hyannis. Registration forms were distributed. <br /> There are two people who submitted letters expressing an interest in joining EDIC: Grace <br /> Talmadge and Lyle Hasley. The Committee recommends re-advertising in the hope of attracting <br /> a tribe member. <br /> Joe Noonan requested clarification on the free clinic site: Can it be subdivided? Did we transfer <br /> the entire parcel? Could it be transferred to EDIC? Rene will follow up with answers. <br /> Tom Fudala submitted an updated list of saleable tax-taking properties. It was suggested to invite <br /> Tom to a meeting in February. <br /> The following future meeting dates are confirmed: JANUARY 15/rH, FEBBRUARY 5TH, 19TH. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. ''�— <br /> Mary G�, st orpe, Record Secretary <br />