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12/9/2010 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Minutes
12/9/2010 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Minutes
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Mashpee Affordable Housing Committee <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> December 9, 2010 at 7 pm <br /> Meeting Room 3, Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Chairman Alan Trebat, K lliope Egloff, Bud Abbott, Berkeley Johnson <br /> Call to Order <br /> Chairman Trebat called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Approval of Minutes-November ember , 2010 <br /> Mr. Johnson referenced the last paragraph on page 2 and stated that the wording should be "discourage" <br /> and not"prevent" to more closely represent his intent. <br /> motion was made by Ms. Egloff to approve the minutes of November ember 4th. Mr. Abbott seconded <br /> the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Recruitment of New Committee Member <br /> Mr. Abbott announced that he invited two candidates to attend tonight's meeting, but orae has �rithdrav n <br /> + <br /> his interest and the other may have had a conflict. The Chair spoke with Bred Detschel, another interested <br /> candidate, who hopes to attend a future meeting. Mr. Johnson added that the woman from his church who <br /> expressed interest has recently become engaged and is no longer available. one position is currently <br /> available on the Committee. Mr. Abbott suggested that interested candidates submit a letter of interest <br /> and resume to the Selectmen's Office. The Chair suggested inviting candidates to meet with the <br /> Committee so that the Committee can make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen. W. Abbott <br /> recommended that candidates send their resume and letter to the BOS, as well as the Committee but Mfr. <br /> Johnson expressed concern that it would thea suggest authorization from the Committee that they would <br /> be the selected candidate. The Chair and Mr. Abbott responded that Mr. Detschel can submit the letter <br /> dnd resume and it would likely then be forwarded to the Committee from the BOS, prior to be being <br /> approved. . <br /> Affordable Housing Trust-Discussion of Next Steps <br /> The Chair questioned whether Ms. Egloff had resigned from the Frust and Ms. Egloff responded that she <br /> learned that she had not renewed her membership on the Trust. Mr. Johnson referenced the meeting when <br /> it was reported that the Frust did not support purchasing the Schooner Lane single unit cordo. Mr. <br /> Johnson also stated that the'Trust had no problem acquiring CPC funds and their desire to get the biggest <br /> bang for their buck. The Chair reported that he sent a letter on behalf of the Affordable Housing <br /> Committee informing Cape Cod Five about the Trust's decision and thanking therm for the time they <br /> allowed to make the decision. Mr. Trebat expressed some disappointment about the decision because he <br /> felt it was a good opportunity when comparing the cost of creating a new unit versus acquiring the unit. <br /> Mr. Abbott felt that there was concern about long term association with a condo and fees. <br /> Mr. Johnson stated that a decision must be made about who v ill be responsible for managing housing <br /> units, such as the Mousing Authority or Habitat for Humanity. Mr. Johnson also questioned the <br /> possibility of the Trust putting up money for a mortgage,to be repaid, but the Trust may have no interest <br /> in being a management authority. Mr. Abbott suggested that it would make sense that the Housing <br /> Authority be responsible. Ms. Egloff stated that towns with active housing trusts determine what they <br /> wart to do, which can encompass a variety of projects such as rentals, development, lottery and/or <br /> maintenance. .�s. gloff�s 'impression ofthe Mashpee Affordable Housing Tryst is that they expect all <br /> aspects of a proposal to be considered by the Affordable Housing Committee and presented to the Frust, <br />
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