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M.AS PEE COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT C0MMITTEE <br /> MINUTES SEPTEMBER 27s 1995 <br /> The Mashpee Coastal Resource Management committee met at Mashpee <br /> Town Hall at 3 : 30 p.m. on Wednesday , August 30 , 19956 <br /> Board Members Present were: Perry Ellis , Jim Hanks , Ed. Govoni , <br /> Rick York, Martine Ilei 3 er ing, Bob Sherman, Torn a, Peter <br /> Din.izio, Bob whritenour. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 3 * 40 p.m. , and the Minutes <br /> from August 30 , 1994 were approved with a spelling correction <br /> of WBNER . <br /> Mr. Hanks gave a slide presentation on the Iia shpee River. The <br /> slides depicted algae scum that floats on the surface, geese <br /> in the area, and areas where there is crystal clear water. <br /> Tom cambareri , Ed Eichner, and Chuck Lawrence were present from <br /> the Cape cod Commission to provide information from a study <br /> done on the flushing of Popponesset Bay ( that was funded by <br /> Field ' s Point as a condition of the Commission' s approval of <br /> Forth Market Street) . Mr, Eichner noted that Mashee River <br /> can absorb 33 , 71 kg/yr of nitrogen without a negative effect <br /> He also noted that it takes 11-12 days for the water to flush <br /> out of the Mashpee River. Popponesset is nitrogen sensitive <br /> due to the shoreline shape and tidal range* The source of the <br /> nitrogen is Title V (septic) systems * Mr. Lawrence who did <br /> some of the calculations stated that 33 , 712 kg/yr is the actual <br /> loading, but that 1 , 020 kg/yr is what the River can stand before <br /> reaching a. critical level . Mash-pee River is now 30 times the <br /> critical load. Mr. Baker expressed concern with the severity <br /> of the problem and the critical ratio of 30 to 1 . Mr. Baker <br /> asked i f the Town should try to get the Mashpee liver designated <br /> as a District of Critical. Planning Concern, Mr. Hanks was not <br /> in favor of this option since this would lead to a one-year <br /> moratorium on building in the watershed. Mr. Hanks suggested <br /> that each resident pump their septic system once a year. <br /> Dr, Joseph costa from the Buzzard' s Bay Project stated that <br /> Title V systems are designed to romove fecal, coliform but not <br /> nitrogen. Br. costa noted that eel grass has disappeared over <br /> the years due to the accumulation of algae (caused by high levels <br /> of nutrients ) which shades the eel grass beds * The result is <br /> increasing shallowness with the decomposing and settling <br /> particles. Dr. costa noted that coliform does not ]gill fish, <br /> rather the nitrogen caused by the decomposition of eel grass <br /> causes the oxygen to get used up resulting in fish kill * lick <br /> York stated that the scallop crop diminished due to habitat <br /> degradation* when the eel grass disappeared, muck remained <br /> leaving no place for the shellfish to settle. Dr. Costa noted <br /> it is a political issue for the town to determine how it values <br />