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BOARD. OF LIBRARY R T S <br /> Monday, December 15. 1985 7: 00 P.M. <br /> I Presentj 0. Robertson, Chairperson Swenson <br /> A. FitzGerald Vt. Kingsley - Librarian <br /> A. Rockwood M. Fordham Friends <br /> Absent: G. Selander B. Towner <br /> A. Tanneyh1* 11 <br /> II Minutes were approved with one correction. <br /> III Reports <br /> A. Librarian: Librarian' s report was accepted as presented. <br /> Mrs. Kingsley advised us that she had received notification that <br /> due to an increase in population the incentive grant would be <br /> in reased accordingly. However, stricter standards will be applied. <br /> The incentive grant will be received in January. <br /> B-, Friends t Mrs** Fordham- states that' the new IRS number has not been <br /> assigned as yet. All large fund raisers will be initiated when <br /> the ground is broken for the library. The Friends will pay for the <br /> printing and circulation of a list of needed equipment* <br /> C. Building Committee: Federal funds have been curt by 20%. It now <br /> appears that the grant will be approximately $70.000. <br /> Mrs: Kiley, representative for the Adders Co. , has rescheduled the <br /> meeting with the designated committee members for January 13, 19860 <br /> At that time he will present a new layout, have a complete list of <br /> furhishin s, and an approximation of the cosh <br /> IV of r fished Business <br /> Town meeting, December 2nd.,, reinstated money requested for extra <br /> hours and extra a ensez ,. The library assistant received an <br /> increase of4 forty#four, cents 440 per hour and the aide. received <br /> ars- increase, of eighteen cents (180) per hour. - <br /> Tie porch light is now on a timer and Mr. Virgilio has been alerted <br /> to the need for improving the appearance of the entrance <br /> Letters of appreciation have been delivered to the volunteers <br /> accompanied by white tote bags bearing the logo of the Massachusetts <br /> Library Association i blue. There were fourteen recipients. <br /> V New Business <br /> Mrs. Kingsley and Mrs. Sano will be at the library one hour ,later <br /> on Wednesdays and Fridays. and one hour earlier on Thursdays. <br /> However, the li brarr will not be open to the public. <br /> The 'start wup" fee of fifty dollars ($50,00) has been paid to the <br /> Cape and Islands Inter�l ibrary Loan Association* . <br /> VI Adjournment <br /> Meeting was adjourned at 7:5o Pomo :5 <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Anne Co FitzGerald <br /> The next meeting will be held on January 13, 1986 at 7s00 P.M. <br /> J <br />