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BOARS] OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES <br /> REGULAR MONTBLY MEETING <br /> TUESDAY, JANUARY 140 1997 <br /> 7:00 P. Ms <br /> I PRESENT: HEIENE DEFOE, LIBRARY DIRECTOR <br /> ANTON BUSC E L'ELDT <br /> CHARLOTTE FA NEL L <br /> CHERYL HATER <br /> MIMI MARSH <br /> ONDRI`A ROBERTSON <br /> DICK SHAU HNES SY <br /> II MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: <br /> The minutes of the November 12, 1996 and the December 20, 1996 meetings <br /> were accepted as printed. <br /> III REPORTS: <br /> A. The meeting was advised that ondrea Robertson and Dick Shaughnessy <br /> did not plan to serge as library trustees for another term, <br /> The- nomination papers for new candidates for library trustees were <br /> due in March. <br /> B. Librarian: Helene reported that she had two Library Director's <br /> Reports- prepared for November and December 1996, since the December <br /> meeting had been cancelled. Helene reported that it had been busy <br /> for. both months. In November, they were up_ over 421 items over the <br /> previous November. December they were up over 1,000 items. The only <br /> slow periods were just those couple of days before Christmas. <br /> Helene reported that at the end of December the library staff had <br /> taken the serials training. That refers to the periodicals and <br /> materials that appear on a regular or irregular basis, such as travel <br /> guides and items where there were updates; not just a single item. <br /> The series module is one of the more difficult aspects of CLAMS. When <br /> the training was last offered, the library staff were so new to the system, <br /> Helene felt it would be too much to absorb on top of learning the basics. <br /> Helene and Kathy had taken the training and it was pretty confusing. <br /> They have been gradually starting to add their periodicals, one <br /> leading the other through the process. once that was accomplished, <br /> all of their collection would be pretty much in the data base. <br /> C. Friends of the Library: Mimi Marsh reported that there had been no <br /> booksa le in January. <br /> D. Dick Shaughnessy reported on the Capital Improvement Committee <br /> Meeting (December' 0, 1996): Dick reported that it was his turn to <br /> present the library's position for the Capitol Improvement Committee <br /> Meeting. Last year, the 11.brary trustees requested a CIR for $663,200 <br /> for a 5,000 sq. ft. addition to the library, asking that be figured in <br /> for Fy2001., with a $15,000 funding for an architectural study for <br /> FY 2000. The library trustees had presented that in detail. Dick <br /> pointed out to them that subsequent studies in the past year b <br /> library personnel, and primarily by Eric Smith, Dept. of 'down Planner, <br /> indicated that the total buildout for the 'down of Mashpee when <br /> it reaches its zenith as far as population, would be a 16,000 foot <br /> library. <br />