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BOARD of LIBRARY TRUSTEES <br /> k REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING __WEDNESDAY, CEM , 2003 <br /> MASHPEE LIBRARY <br /> Present: Alice Rauppius,Am MacDonald-Dailey, David Burton, Carlo D'Bste,Heather Lakatos, <br /> Mimi Marsh Dianna Smith(6-.55 p.m.), and Helene DeFoe, Library Director. <br /> David Burton, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. <br /> royal of Minutes <br /> Alice motioned to accept the Minutes of the Special Meeting held December I� 2003 as presented; <br /> Carlo seconded the notion and it was unanimously passed, except Mimi and Ann abstained. <br /> Old Business <br /> The Trustees discussed in detail the Library staffing crises and posed the question- What <br /> role/responsibilities fall within the purview of the Library Trustees? <br /> Following the discussion consensus was reached that Chairman David Burton should drab an open <br /> letter to the citizens of Mashpee to be sent for publication in the Mashpee Enterprise. The purpose <br /> of the open letter is to inform Mashpee citizens of the crisis being faced by the Library...resulting <br /> n degradation of services...and to inform as to hove many use the Library and the negative impact <br /> on services due to budget constraints. It was further agreed that the published later would list all <br /> names of the Trustees, along with their respective e-mail address and/or phone number to enable <br /> citizens to contact any of them with any questions. <br /> Motion: Mimi Marsh motioned that David compose the open letter to Mashpee Citizens as <br /> directed by this Board of Trustees to be taken to Mashpee Enterprise touching on points voiced at <br /> this meeting; this motion was seconded by Ann MacDonald-Dailey; and was unanimously passed. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Ann motioned to adjourn the meeting; Heather seconded the motion and it was unanimously <br /> passed. The meeting adjourned at T25 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> anerti <br /> eco <br /> Flibrding Secretary <br />