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BOARD OF LIBIAY STS MEETING ' <br /> TUESDAY,MAY 19 2011 <br /> MASBPEE LIBRARY CONFERENCE 1M <br /> 'resent: David Burton, Patricia Gamache,Jane Dolan, Sue McGarry, Jahn Kowalski, and Sandra Lahart. <br /> Absent: Carlo I ' ste. <br /> David Burton, Chairman,called the meeting to order at :15 p.m. <br /> A1212roval of Minutes <br /> Jane Bolan motioned to approve the minutes of the Meeting of April 12,2011 as wnended; Patricia Gam the seconded <br /> this motion. <br /> Roil-call vote was taken and the motion was approved by all Trustees,except Sue McGarry,who abstained. <br /> Rep <br /> orfs <br /> David Burton stated that Bridget is on vacation this week but did provide her monthly report and the CLAMS <br /> Circulation Statistics report for.the month of April. Janet Burke's monthly report for the sae a timeftarne was also <br /> provided. 'Copies of these reports are attached to the printed set of these minutes. The reports were reviewed. <br /> David referred to the paragraph regarding contractual workers in Bridget's report and said that last week he asked for an <br /> update from the Town Accountant and from H.R. and he asked there what they need from the Trustees, 'if anything to <br /> extend the contractual workers through June 30. David asked the Trustees to rcaffwm the vote taken at the Trustees <br /> April I , 2011 meeting: <br /> Motion: David Burton motioned the Library Trustees reaffirm the vote of Tuesday,April 12,2011 to approve <br /> supplemental funding from the D na i n Account to keep the contract worker's through the encs of the fiscal year, <br /> that is through June 30,2011;John Kowalski seconded the motion. <br /> Roll-call vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved. <br /> Regarding the 2 part-tine positions approved at-the May 2°0 Town Meeting,Vacancy Position Request forms have to he <br /> signed and filed with the Town. David signed the forms and Pat Gamache will deliver the forms to H.R. <br /> Friends of the Libr dateGam <br /> ache Pat Gaache reported, <br /> Pat said at the Friends' monthly meeting there was a discussion of the use of the library for commercial things <br /> and the thought was expressed that the Friends be able to use rooms whenever they want to. Pat said she <br /> reminded there that the Trustees as elected officials need to make mistakes on the side of discretion. The <br /> Friends did agree at the prior meeting that they would go through the application process but Barbara N tarius <br /> would like to come to a Trustee meeting to talk about this. <br /> • In addition,Barbara said she thinks fees should be charged for use of the'building and she wants to come and <br /> plead her case and also plead the case of the Friends; <br /> Friends are very excited about neer Library Director corning onboard and they want to have a reception for <br /> whoever is chosen. <br /> • Book sales planned for June 4 and July 16. <br /> • Artisan's fair to be held August 16th. <br /> • Pat said that Alice was at the Friends meeting and Pat told the meeting group about the gentleman who does the <br /> Ammon book sales at Needham Library and that he would be willing to come and explain the book <br /> sanningscreenxng process to the Friends,which the group would life hila to do. Jack Kowalski explained that <br /> this gentleman scans books and'the software program instantly gives the bottom 3 prices for that book currently <br /> on Amazon. According to the gentleman,he works 2 hours a day doing the screening, He can scan books that <br /> aren't going on to Amazon sale but going to anothersource—Jack said:it is an efficient way to scan books <br />
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