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14 <br /> compelled to spend five days a week on the job and one-half <br /> a day on Saturdays during the months of July and August <br /> or take any other action thereon. <br /> Not recommended by the Finance Committee. At the <br /> present time these positions are paying $7,550.54. If this <br /> Article is accepted the cost to the Town will be an additional <br /> $8,949.46, or a total of $16,500.00 per year. <br /> Article 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br /> appropriate the sum of $138.60 for the following unpaid bill <br /> of 1962: <br /> Cape Cod Standard Times, Zoning Map $138.60 <br /> or take any other action thereon. <br /> Recommended by the Finance Committee. <br /> Article 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br /> appropriate or take from available funds in the Treasury <br /> the sum of $550.00 to replace one fire truck radio or take any <br /> other action thereon. <br /> Recommended by the Finance Committee. <br /> Article 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br /> appropriate or take from available funds in the Treasury <br /> the sum of $4,500.00 to make the necessary repairs, alterations <br /> and additions to the fire station so that all trucks will be <br /> housed and in operation the year round or take any other <br /> action thereon. <br /> The Finance Committee recommends the sum of $3,- <br /> 500.00. <br /> Article 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br /> appropriate the sum of $775.00 for the purchase of a 1961 <br /> Station Wagon and the sum of $325.00 to equip and repair <br /> the same to be used as a combination emergency and rescue <br /> car and any other use by the Fire Department or take any <br /> other action thereon. <br /> The Finance Committee does not recommend this <br /> Article. From information received it would appear that <br /> the amount for repairs would be inadequate. <br />