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17 <br /> legumes or other soil improving plants, or plant with a per- <br /> manent cover crop or reforest the area. <br /> Section 3. No sand or gravel shall be removed from <br /> place to place within the Town of Mashpee, except that a <br /> sand and gravel pit may be opened and used for such pur- <br /> poses, if it is located 100 feet or more from a street line and <br /> no more than one entrance and one exit can be used. If such <br /> sand and gravel pit is opened and used, the owner shall burn <br /> or cart to the town dumping area all dead trees and stumps <br /> when any area thereof amounting to more than 5,000 square <br /> feet becomes unsuited for further use, and in such case, such <br /> area shall be replanted with trees or shrubs to prevent soil <br /> erosion. <br /> Section 4. The foregoing By-Laws shall not apply to <br /> land in public use nor shall they apply to the case of ma- <br /> terials removed or excavated for the purpose of improving <br /> grading, landscaping or cultivating the lot in which the <br /> soil, sand, gravel, or other earth is located, nor for construc- <br /> tion of buildings and the making of public or private im- <br /> provements. <br /> Section 5. Any person violating the provisions of this <br /> By-Law shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $20.00 for <br /> each offense. <br /> Recommended by the Finance Committee. <br /> Article 54. To see if the Town will vote to amend the <br /> By-Laws by striking out the words in Article X, Section 2, <br /> of Chapter 11, TOWN OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMIT- <br /> TEES, that reads as follows: "the rate of eight (8) cents per <br /> mile of travel," and change it to read as follows: "THE RATE <br /> OF TEN (10) CENTS PER MILE OF TRAVEL." <br /> Not Recommended by the Finance Committee. <br /> Article 55. To see if the Town will vote to amend the <br /> Zoning By-Laws to increase from a R-75 to a R-150 District, <br /> the land in Mashpee bounded Northerly by Otis Air Force <br /> Base, Easterly by John's Pond and land of Patricia R. Mac- <br /> Donald, Southerly by Route 151 and Westerly by the Fal <br /> mouth town line. <br /> No recommendation. <br />