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16 <br /> Section 1. The voters of the Town shall choose by bal- <br /> lot beginning with the Annual election in March of 1964 to <br /> combine the office of the Board of Health, along with the <br /> Boards of Selectmen, Assessors, Welfare; provided that at <br /> the 1964 annual election, members of the Board of Health <br /> shall be elected in combination with the Selectmen, Assessors <br /> and Welfare, one for a term of three years, one for a term of <br /> two years, and one for a term of one year; subsequent annual <br /> elections to choose one member for a term of three years. <br /> Not Recommended by the Finance Committee. <br /> Article 53. To see if the Town will vote to amend the <br /> present By-Laws by adding to Chapter III, the following arti- <br /> cle V, to read as follows: <br /> ARTICLE V. <br /> REMOVAL OF SOIL, SAND AND GRAVEL AND SAND PITS <br /> Section 1. No top soil, sub soil, gravel, sand or other <br /> earth may be removed from the Town of Mashpee without <br /> first having obtained a permit from the Selectmen. A permit <br /> with conditions imposed where necessary may be issued, for <br /> the removal of top soil, sub soil, gravel, sand, and other earth <br /> if the Selectmen, after a public hearing, shall so order, pro- <br /> vided that no such permit shall be granted except upon writ- <br /> ten application and after a public hearing of parties inter- <br /> ested and consideration of their evidence by the Selectmen; <br /> notice of said hearing being given by publication of the time <br /> and place thereof in a local newspaper not less than two <br /> weeks before said hearing, the expense of publication to be <br /> borne by the petitioner. After such a hearing, the Selectmen <br /> shall render a decision in writing, stating the decision and <br /> the reasons thereof and file the decision with the Town Clerk <br /> and send a copy thereof to the applicant. Such permit may <br /> be removed. <br /> Section 2. No top soil or sub soil shall be removed from <br /> place to place within the Town of Mashpee from an area <br /> of ground consisting of more than 500 square feet unless the <br /> person removing such top soil or sub soil shall replant an- <br /> nually the entire area of such removal with rye, vetch, wheat, <br />