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Mashaee Fish & Lobster (continued) <br /> Tom O'Hara added that he has an issue with the random flow of traffic here with no direction. Tom <br /> feels it should be marked some how or entrance ways off of Great Neck South should be widened. <br /> Tom said the public should be protected somehow. Kevin Kirrane said maybe a way to segregate the <br /> queuing somehow would work. Kerry Munroe offered suggestion that maybe there could be a sign <br /> saying not a thru way. <br /> Glenn Harrington stated that with outside tables the Board of Health would have to look at the septic <br /> to be sure it is okay to cover the outside seating. Mike McCarthy said they have no public restroom in <br /> the building, but they have room for it. If done, then plumbing has to check it. <br /> Parking...Kevin Kirrane said they believe they will have.plenty of parking and believe they will have a <br /> letter to use Picnic Box parking area when Picnic Box is closed. <br /> Tom Fudala said the parking spaces at the side are impossible because cars enter right into the <br /> parking spaces and that cannot be legally approved. <br /> Signage...Bob Nelson pointed out the repeated problems Town has had with this business and <br /> signage. Applicant said there might be a small sign by the take-out area. Walter said clearly the <br /> signage rules must be followed and not have the attitude the rules are not followed because others do <br /> it. <br /> Fire suppression...To be tied into a central receiving station. <br /> Tom Fudala commented that food service is restaurant use. Kevin Kirrane responded that technically <br /> it is a special situation when food is not to be consumed in the building. <br /> Audience Comments <br /> Kerry Munroe addressed the meeting saying Picnic Box has been on that site 17 years and a large <br /> part of their business is fried seafood. Kerry Munroe said she wants to know will they be open the <br /> same hours. She said she understands nothing can be done about competition, but she has been <br /> given no information and that's why they came to this meeting.. <br /> Conclusions <br /> • Tom Fudala pointed out that the whole plan will have to come under Planning Board review <br /> and plans will have to show the whole view, including the Picnic Box site, unless there is <br /> already a special permit for the building approved by the ZBA. Then, ZBA can modify. <br /> • Tom stated that this site is under the EIR from MEPA and is part of the development <br /> agreement. <br /> Discussion Regarding 107 Commercial Street <br /> Committee discussed a retaining wall built at 107 Commercial Street without any permits. Bob <br /> Nelson commented that the first we heard about this was at this Committee meeting where we <br /> approved temporary parking. Highlights of the discussion included the following: <br /> 3 <br />