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684 Falmouth Road (continued) <br /> Issues/Comments from the Committee <br /> • Bob Nelson pointed out that under the by-law parking is no problem. <br /> • Glen Harrington commented that wastewater is not an issue. Glen asked whether there would <br /> be the ability to sanitize equipment after each use. John Patrick responded that they are <br /> leaning toward using sanitized wipes that are a little more expense but they feel they are <br /> better. <br /> • Sheldon Hamblin asked whether there will be a fire alarm system in the building. John Patrick <br /> and Christine Minerella said they would check on this with the building owner. <br /> • Sheldon informed Applicants that he would be looking for heat detectors and horn/strobes and <br /> pull stations on the main floor of the building and also in the basement. <br /> • Sheldon inquired about Fire Department access...specifically, how they'd get into the building <br /> when unattended. Sheldon said they need a knock box mounted on the wall. It was pointed <br /> out that this knock box is included on page 8 of the write-up. <br /> • Tom Fudala stated he is not sure if gym is an allowed use. If not, it will probably have to get <br /> the Special Permit modified by the ZBA and would require a public hearing. <br /> • If side door made emergency egress only then no changes at side of building would be <br /> necessary; it could stay as it is. However, if they use side door as side entranceway, then Bob <br /> Nelson advised that ZBA would require a ramp along the side and removal of the shrubbery <br /> and extend the sidewalk up to the door. If that's done, then look at the swing of the door. <br /> • Charlie Maintanis noted that if they use side door as emergency egress, then they have to <br /> have signage to direct people to the exit to be used. <br /> • Bob Nelson commented that this building and the next building are part of a 'condo" and under <br /> that heading parking in the back is for employees only. <br /> Mashpee Fish & Lobster <br /> 538 Falmouth Road <br /> Representative — Kevin Kirrane <br /> Preliminary discussion for a take-out window <br /> Mike McCarthy and Kevin Kirrane appeared. Kevin Kirrane addressed the Committee stating that <br /> essentially they are proposing take-out at the existing location. Propose to include take-out items like <br /> fish and chips; fried clams; and soft-serve ice cream. Mr. Kirrane said they will go to the ZBA to seek <br /> a new Special Permit for this particular use. They will have outside picnic tables and a minor addition <br /> to the building with some type of awning to protect people in line from weather element. They plan to <br /> deal with access via signage. Mr. Kirrane stated that this is a step necessary in order for the <br /> business to continue to survive at this location. Tom Fudala pointed out that the site is 12+ acres and <br /> anything over 5 acres should go to the Planning Board for Special Permit review, unless there is <br /> already a special permit for the building approved by the ZBA. Then, ZBA can modify. <br /> Applicant to have site plan and dimensions on the site plan matches what is being proposed. <br /> Bob Nelson voiced his concern over traffic and his concern about children running around with ice <br /> cream cones at this site. <br /> 2 <br />