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Planning Board, and Mr. Sullivan was then told that he and Mr. Morton <br /> would have to take the initiative to change the zoning. <br /> Mr. Sullivan was informed today that the project was "basically dead" because <br /> the Selectmen didn't have enough information to include it with the May <br /> 1994 Warrant at the Town Meeting. The Selectmen had also felt that the <br /> Planning Board was not supporting the project, but this was not the case. <br /> Tom asked what the time frame was. Mr. Sullivan informed the Committee <br /> that the final Warrant will be completely drafted by March 31. <br /> Sid asked why Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Morton hadn't come to the Economic <br /> Planning Board originally, hadn't they felt that the Economic Development <br /> Committee could have helped them early with their project rather than <br /> dealing entirely with the Planning Board? Mr. Sullivan informed Sid that <br /> they had called and that they were meeting with them this evening because <br /> they thought the Economic Development Committee could be helpful. <br /> Sid asked them about the alcohol-free environment they had mentioned <br /> earlier because Sid had heard originally that they were planning on <br /> acquiring a beer and wine license. Mr. Sullivan told them that since their <br /> last meeting they had been to Los Angeles and had joined the Association of <br /> International Amusement Parks Organization. They had also attended the <br /> Orlando PGA Golf Show, and met with other groups to research their project <br /> and they were informed by many organizations that if they wanted a family <br /> recreation center they should abandon the idea of having beer and wine. <br /> Sid expressed his dismay that the Committee had been unable to support this <br /> project earlier. <br /> In response to Sid's comments, Tom mentioned that many of the issues were <br /> in the planning and zoning stage, whether they'd get the land or not, and the <br /> Economic Development Committee doesn't have authorization or expertise <br /> in the area of zoning. <br /> Sid asked if their Article for the Warrant would pertain only to the parcel of <br /> land that Sullivan and Morton needed, or was Gavin's (the abutter) property <br /> zoning to be changed also. Mr. Sullivan answered that the way it's written <br /> now for submission to the Selectmen, Gavin's land would be rezoned. <br /> Sullivan also explained that the Article now states that instead of the gift of <br /> land to the town of Mashpee, Sullivan would be able to use 607o of the land <br /> and 407o would stay in its natural state. <br /> Sid asked why Gavin's land had to be included because this would increase <br /> the value of his land. Sullivan answered that it didn't have to be included <br /> 3 <br />