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"Economic development plan", a detailed plan, as it shall be approved from time to time <br /> by vote of town meeting as herein provided, for 1 or more economic development <br /> projects within an economic development area, which plan shall at a minimum indicate <br /> the boundaries of the area, indicate intended land acquisition areas and establish the <br /> appropriate land uses for the area. The.plan shall include design guidelines and siting <br /> standards. The plan shall also describe the process by which the corporation shall notify <br /> the public of the availability of development sites within the economic development area <br /> in order to encourage competing development proposals and shall include the criteria that <br /> will be used in judging the development proposals to assure maximum overall public <br /> benefits. The plan as adopted will, for purposes of chapter 30B of the General Laws,be <br /> considered the plan required by clause(25)of subsection(b) of section 1 of said chapter <br /> 30B. All plans as described herein shall also be consistent with the town's comprehensive <br /> plan, economic development element as approved at town meeting. <br /> "Economic development project", (1) a project to be undertaken in accordance with an <br /> economic development plan for acquisition by the corporation of land and the <br /> improvements thereon, if any, within an economic development area and for clearance <br /> and development of the land so acquired; or(2) a project for the removal, or <br /> rehabilitation or conservation of an economic development area, or for the demolition, <br /> removal, or rehabilitation of improvements on land within an economic development area <br /> whenever necessary to eliminate unhealthy,unsanitary or unsafe conditions, lessen <br /> density, mitigate or eliminate traffic congestion,reduce traffic hazards, or eliminate <br /> obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare; (3) a project involving any <br /> combination of the foregoing types of projects. An economic development project may <br /> include improvements necessary for carrying out the objectives of the economic <br /> development project,together with such site improvements as are necessary for the <br /> preparation of any site for uses in accordance with the economic development plans of <br /> the town, and making any land or improvements acquired in the area of the project <br /> available for redevelopment or rehabilitation by private enterprise, including sale, initial <br /> leasing or retention by the corporation for industrial,.non-industrial or manufacturing uses <br /> in accordance with said economic development plans:An economic development project <br /> may also include construction of new buildings, the construction by the corporation of <br /> any of the buildings, structures or other facilities located in the area which are to be <br /> repaired,moved or rehabilitated. <br /> "MOBD", the Massachusetts office of business development. <br /> "Select board",the select board or board of selectmen in the town of Mashpee. <br /> "Town administrator", the town administrator of the town of Mashpee. <br /> "Town meeting", direct democracy of town voters acting in lawfully convened session. <br />