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SECTION 2. The general courtfinds and declares that: (a)unused,underused or <br /> undeveloped areas exist in parts of the town-of Mashpee including the 2 designated <br /> economic opportunity areas at the Old Augat site and the Mashpee executive park; (b) <br /> each area constitutes an economic liability, substantially impairs or arrests the sound <br /> growth of the town and retards the economic well-being of the commonwealth; (c) each <br /> area has decreased the value of private investments and threatens the sources of public <br /> revenue; (d)redevelopment of the areas is necessary to retain existing industrial and <br /> commercial enterprises,to attract new industrial and commercial development and to <br /> promote the sound economic growth of the town; (e) the exercise of powers by the <br /> corporation and any assistance that may be given by the town or other public body in <br /> connection therewith are public uses and purposes for which public money may be <br /> expended; (f)the acquisition,planning, clearance, development,rehabilitation or <br /> rebuilding of the unused, underused and underdeveloped areas for industrial and <br /> commercial purposes are public benefits for which private property may be regulated by <br /> wholesome and reasonable order, law and direction and for which public funds may be <br /> expended for the welfare of the town and the commonwealth; (g)there exists in the town <br /> a condition of unbalanced development which causes social hardships, increases the <br /> public assistance burdens, impairs the security of family life, impedes the economic and <br /> physical development of the town and adversely affects the welfare and prosperity of the <br /> people; (h) underemployment has been caused in substantial part by industrial and <br /> commercial companies moving frorn the town; (i) some existing industrial and <br /> commercial facilities within the town are obsolete and inefficient; 0)the facilities are <br /> underutilized, thereby creating additional underemployment; (k)the obsolescence and <br /> abandonment of existing facilities are causing serious injury to the economy of the town; <br /> (1) the industrial and commercial sectors of the economy provide some of the best <br /> opportunities for jobs at higher wages for the inhabitants of the town; (m)new industrial <br /> and commercial sites are required to attract and house new industrial and commercial <br /> development and to retain existing industrial and commercial operations in need of <br /> expansion space; and(n) the modest efforts of private industry have not provided the <br /> necessary industrial and commercial sites within the area due to the problems <br /> encountered in the assembly of suitable building sites,the unreliable commitment of <br /> private capital for development and the inability of private enterprise alone to plan, <br /> finance and coordinate industrial and commercial development projects. <br /> SECTION 3. There shall be in the town of Mashpee a public body politic and corporate <br /> known as the Mashpee Economic Development and Industrial Corporation. There she <br /> be 7 members of the board of directors of the corporation who shall be appointed by the <br /> select board. At least 1 member shall be experienced in industrial or commercial <br /> development, 1 in financial matters, I in real estate matters, 1 in municipal government, <br /> at least 1 member representative of low income people who shall be chosen from a list of <br /> 3 submitted by the regional or local community action agency or,if there is no such <br /> agency, from a list of 3 submitted by the director. The appointing authority shall <br /> designate 1 of the 7 members as chair and another as vice-chair. Each of the 7 members <br /> shall be sworn to the faithful performance of his/her official duties as a director of the <br /> corporation. A majority of the 7 directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of <br /> any business,but the action of a majority of the entire board shall be necessary for any <br />