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issued, and(e) the operation, maintenance, management, accounting and auditing of the <br /> project and of the income and revenues of the corporation. It shall be lawful for any bank <br /> or trust company incorporated under the laws of the commonwealth to act as depository <br /> of the proceeds of bonds or of revenues and to furnish the indemnifying bonds or to <br /> pledge securities required by the corporation. The trust agreement may set forth the rights <br /> and remedies of the bondholders and of the trustee, and may restrict the individual right <br /> of action by bondholders as is customary in trust agreements or trust indentures securing <br /> bonds and debentures of corporations. In addition to the foregoing,the trust agreement <br /> may contain other provisions that the corporation considers reasonable and proper for the <br /> security of the bondholders. All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of the <br /> trust agreement may be treated as a part of the cost of the-operation of the project. The <br /> pledge by the trust agreement or resolution shall be valid and binding from the time when <br /> the pledge is made; the revenues or other moneys so pledged and then held or thereafter <br /> received by the corporation shall immediately be subject to the lien of the pledge without <br /> any physical delivery thereof or further act; and the lien of the pledge shall be valid and <br /> binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise <br /> against the corporation, irrespective of whether the parties have notice thereof.Neither <br /> the resolution nor any trust agreement by which pledge is created need be filed or <br /> recorded except in the records of the corporation, and no filing need be made under <br /> chapter 106 of the General Laws. <br /> SECTION 14. Revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds issued under this act shall be <br /> securities in which all public officers and public bodies of the commonwealth and its <br /> political subdivisions, all insurance companies,trust companies in their commercial <br /> departments and within the limits set by section 14 of chapter 167E of the General Laws, <br /> banking associations, investment companies,executors,trustees and other fiduciaries, <br /> and all other persons whatsoever who are now or may hereafter be authorized to invest in <br /> bonds or other obligations of a similar nature may properly and legally invest funds, <br /> including capital in their control or belonging to them; and the bonds shall be obligations <br /> which may properly and legally be made eligible for the investment of savings deposits <br /> and the income thereof in the manner provided by section 2 of chapter 167F of the <br /> General Laws. The bonds shall be securities which may properly and legally be deposited <br /> with and received by any state or municipal officer or any agency or political subdivision <br /> of the commonwealth for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or otherobligations <br /> of the commonwealth is now or may hereafter be authorized by law. <br /> SECTION 15. Any holder of bonds or debentures issued under this act or of any coupons <br /> appertaining thereto, and the trustee, except to the extent the rights herein given may be <br /> restricted by the trust agreement, may, law or in equity, by suit, action, <br /> mandamus or other proceeding,protect and enforce any and all rights under the Iaws of <br /> the commonwealth or granted hereunder or under the trust agreement, and may enforce <br /> and compel the performance of all duties required by this act or by the trust agreement; to <br /> be performed by the corporation or by any officer thereof. <br />