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SECTION 16. Insofar as this act is inconsistent with any other general or special law, <br /> excluding the state building code, and the municipal zoning ordinance or by-law,this act <br /> shall be controlling. <br /> SECTION 17. This act, being necessary for the welfare of the town and its inhabitants, <br /> shall be liberally construed to effect its purpose. <br /> SECTION 18. If the town shall modify its charter, or if it shall adopt a new charter,then <br /> without amendment of this act,the provisions of this act which refer to specific municipal <br /> officials or municipal bodies shall be understood,upon a charter change, to refer to those <br /> who under such change exercise the same or equivalent functions. <br /> SECTION 19. This act shall take effect upon its passage. <br /> Approved November 20;2002. <br /> Return to: <br /> List of Laws passed in 2002 Session <br /> General Court home page. or <br /> Commonwealth of Massachusetts home page. <br />