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of JR151 cc <br /> ffl ashprr. I-Rc qs. 92649 <br /> ANCE COMMITTEE <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> Town Hall <br /> January 28 , 1987 <br /> Present : Finance Committee members , Frederic Blythe , Carol <br /> Dunivan , Carl Heller , Joyce Howell , William Towner <br /> The meeting commenced at 6 p . m. with Joseph Murphy , Executive <br /> Secretarv ; Jean Thomas , Selectman ; and Vern Polka , Town Accountant <br /> joining the meeting . <br /> ^r <br /> As first order of business , Mr . Murphy explained that an <br /> Assistant in the Assessors Department had resigned and it is <br /> necessary to fill this vacancy with a professional . The Assessors <br /> feel that $10 , 000 would carry them through till they hire someone . <br /> Murphy noted that there are approximately 9 , 000 parcels of land <br /> in town and 1/3 of these change hands every year , there is a <br /> great deal of development in the community and the Assessors are <br /> in the preliminary stages of re-evaluation . Murphy also stated <br /> that it was the goal to send the tax bills out on time in October - <br /> failure to do so could cost the town approximately a $15 , 000 . 1oss <br /> per month . If this position is not filled the entire process will <br /> be delayed . He noted that to hire a professional firm would be <br /> than hiring a staff person . Murphy said the two options <br /> were : 1 . the Assessors not actually transfer the $10 , 000 from the <br /> Reserve Fund but make the commitment that it would transfer the <br /> money so that they could engage a contractor now or 2 . just <br /> straight transfer the $10 , 000 from the Reserve Fund . This $10 ,000 <br /> transfer , however , would rapresent 12% of the total Reserve Fund <br /> appropriation . The Finance Committee Chairman recommended the <br /> following and it was agreed upon by the members - the Committee <br /> supports the Assessors endeavor , however , they feel that they <br /> should let =he expense account run out and on the 23rd of March <br /> they will have have a Transfer on the desk for the balance of the <br /> funds which can not be found and they will support their Article . <br /> The next issue to be discussed was the cost of the snow <br /> storm of January 25th . The storm put the DPW budget $16 , 000 <br /> in the red . The severity of the storm required rental of front-end <br /> loaders and other heavy equipment at great expense . With another <br /> storm forecasted as at least two months of possible snow ahead , <br /> the DPW requested $50 , 000 deficit spending for snow and ice <br />