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s <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> January 28 , 1987 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> removal . Mr . Murphy noted that it is legal to go into deficit <br /> spending with the approval of both the Selectmen and the Finance <br /> Committee . The Finance Committee votedand approved the deficit <br /> spending in the amount requested - $50 , 000 . <br /> The Finance Committee also reviewed a Request for Transfer <br /> from the Reserve Fund in the amount of $7 , 500 to the DPW <br /> expense account . The DPW experienced some extraordinary and <br /> unforseen expense for the repair of the department ' s 1972 Allis - <br /> Chalmers Grader . Mr . Murphy noted that the department has old <br /> vehicles and old vehicles require maintenance . The Finance <br /> Committee voted and agreed to transfer $7 , 500 from the Reserve <br /> Fund to DPW expense . It was noted that this would leave a balance <br /> in the Reserve Account of $69 , 073 . 20 . <br /> Executive Secretary , Murphy , proceeded to explain the notebooks <br /> distributed to each Finance Committee member . The notebook contains <br /> a consolidated operating and capital budget for FY88 . This includes <br /> all requests of department heads and recommendations of the <br /> Executive Secretary and are based upon a projected revenue for FY88 <br /> of $11 . 3 million . He noted that the departments have until January <br /> 30th to revise their operating budgets and the final revisions <br /> would be submitted to the Finance Committee on February 13th . He <br /> noted , however , his belief that there would be few changes in this <br /> document . <br /> Ir . '1urphy stated that he believes there are two elements <br /> necessary; for the continuation of town services and the viability <br /> oL his recommendations . The First would be the creation of a <br /> water, district and the second .could be a one-time override of <br /> Proposition _2 = <br /> z . <br /> Without this override Murphy explained that there would have <br /> to be tremendous cuts in town services , i . e . , about a of a million <br /> dollars would need to be cut from the school budget and 14 positions <br /> would have to be eliminated from town government . This override <br /> would be a one-time override - however , it would increase the tax <br /> rate . He felt it would add aporoximatel,v 51 . 00 to the tax rate , <br /> but ,.stated hisbelief that the to .an couldn ' t get by without it . <br /> This override would require a 2/3 vote by ballot . The creation <br /> of a Water District would mean that it would absorb all the water <br /> debt and oversee it and return 5250 , 000 to the town . The creation <br /> of a Water District would be a separate government unit , and it <br /> would concentrate solely on .cater . <br /> Chairman Blythe scheduled the following Finance Committee <br /> meetings , February 3 , 4 , 10 , 11 , and 17 at 6 p . m . Mr . Murphy <br /> said that he would attend on Wednesday evenings 6 p . m to 7 p . m . <br /> 'l hese scheduled meetings would be <br /> for the review of the FY88 budget . <br /> The meeting adjourned at 8 : 15 p . m. <br />