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F10"N OP <br /> titx'Sy <br /> C�alutt of CflRUS11pee <br /> .•',"• P. 0. BOX 1106 <br /> ygt'S�Aiii CO-�Y <br /> M ASHPE E. MA 02649 <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> Town Hall <br /> February 7, 1989 <br /> Present : Ed Dolan , Carole Dunivan , Anthony Gallo , Carl Heller <br /> and William Towner <br /> The Finance Committee meeting convened at 7 p . m . Attaquin <br /> Park Committee was supposed to join the meeting at 7 p . m . to review <br /> their capital request , however , they failed to appear . Paul <br /> Somerville , the Shellfish Warden joined the meeting to discuss his <br /> capital request of $10 , 000 for a water quality laboratory . lie <br /> informed the Committee that he was unable to obtain a list of the equipment the <br /> $10 , 000 was earmarked for because Bob Duncan of the Chatham water <br /> quality laboratory was out sick . Chairman Heller rioted that he <br /> had spoken with the County Health Officer and the Director of the <br /> County Laboratory , Dr . Eric Butler . Both had advised him that <br /> $10 , 000 would supply only the minimal equipment and even at that <br /> the results would not be acceptable to the State . Chairman Heller <br /> informed Mr . Somerville that the committee would defer any decision <br /> on this till a list of the equipment was reviewed . <br /> Lisa Hanscom the Conservation Officer joined the meeting to <br /> discuss the capital item requests of the Conservation Department . <br /> Chairman Heller explained that the Finance Committee was of the <br /> opinion that all land acquisitions should be a 22 override . <br /> He felt that it was up to the town to decide and he felt that <br /> each parcel separately should be placed on an override ballot . <br /> Another capital item is the Conservation Fund , $25 , 000 . These <br /> funds would be used to assess conservation land . Finance Committee <br /> questioned whether this should be a line item in the operating <br /> budget and Carl Heller stated that he would check into this matter . <br /> Bog irrigation , $7 , 800 is a capital item and has been funded in the <br /> past as a capital item . Lisa noted that in effect we are buying <br /> the irrigation system when the operators leave we will have the <br /> system in place . To date $14 , 400 has been set aside , and the <br /> estimated cost is $30 , 000 . They questioned the use of the bog <br /> receipts and suggested that these receipts be used to fund this request . The <br /> Conservation Commission is also seeking a capital item request of <br /> $20 , 000 to Survey Conservation Land . Lisa noted that people do <br /> notknow where the boundaries of town-owned land are located and <br /> there have been encroachments on town property . Lisa noted that <br /> this is not an exact figure . There are a great number of variables <br /> involved . <br />