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Finance Committee <br /> February 7 , 1989 <br /> Page 2 . <br /> Chairman Heller noted that a policy needs to be established <br /> whereby all properties purchased must have at the time of <br /> purchase a certified survey plot plan . Lisa noted at this time <br /> it is not known how much conservation land has been surveyed . <br /> Lisa discussed the John ' s Pond Flumes and Child' s River Flumes . <br /> She noted that there is a need for a certified engineer to do the <br /> work to keep the town out of trouble . There is a problem with <br /> the herring and the Child 's River Flumes are somewhat dangerous . <br /> This request is for $15 , 000 . Finance Committee was inclined to <br /> defer this request . <br /> Diane Kingsley joined the meeting to discuss library automation . <br /> She noted that the initial installation of hardware and the <br /> operations for the first year would be approximately $20 , 000 . <br /> Carl Heller asked if this could possibly be self-funding . Diane <br /> noted that she would check into the possibility of a one-time <br /> library card issuance fee with the library trustees and the <br /> automation network . She also stated that she would see if <br /> putting two terminals on-line initially and two terminals later <br /> would be possible . Diane also informed the committee that she has <br /> applied for federal funds - LSCA Title II and will. know in April <br /> if. Mashpee is eligible to receive funding . <br /> The Chairman informed the Committee that a survey had 1)('011 <br /> conducted on town-owned vehicles . The town found 7 vehicles - <br /> they didn ' t know they had ! These vehicles were slated to be <br /> auctioned . Ed Dolan stated that there should be an inventory <br /> conducted every year . <br /> Carl noted that the capital request for a Town hall. Truck <br /> had been changed to a mini-van and it was not suitable for use <br /> by the Harbor Master so there could be no combination of the <br /> the vehicles . Ed addressed the Fire Department ' s request for <br /> a pick up truck ( $20 , 500) . lie noted that they presently had two <br /> trucks a 1980 and a 1985 . It is the Chief ' s intention to make <br /> the 1985 a second line vehicle and the new vehicle a first line <br /> vehicle . The 1980 vehicle would be freed up for town use . <br /> The police are requesting three new cars as replacements for those <br /> with extensive mileage . The members felt that this should ;ippear <br /> as a line item in the operating budget . <br /> Ed Dolan addressed the Fire capital request for $31 , 500 for <br /> a compressor . He noted that at present the department is filling <br /> their tanks at Sandwich at no cost . There are4-6 breathing un_i.ts <br /> that are state-of-the-art . <br /> Carole Dunivan consulted with Ernie Virgilio regarding his <br /> DPW capital requests . He noted the need for a computer ( $25 , 000) . <br /> He stated that this cost was for a high-tension wire to allow him <br /> to hook up to the town computer . There was some question as to <br /> the cost of this computer and Finance Committee was inclined to <br /> defer this request . <br />