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Finance Committee <br /> February 8 , 1989 <br /> Page 5 . <br /> Conservation land — It was agreed by all present that conservation <br /> land should be a 22 exemption and it should be voted <br /> parcel by parcel . <br /> John ' s Pond flumes — Murphy noted that there is a definite need <br /> for work on the flumes but there have been no RFP ' s for <br /> engineering bids and no figures will be available at the <br /> annual . This request will be deferred . <br /> Finance Committee next addressed a Request for Transfer from <br /> the Reserve Fund in the amount of $1 , 379 . 40 to fund the First Light <br /> Program through June 30 . This program involves 25 to 30 children <br /> on a regular basis and teaches about native Americans . William <br /> Towner motioned that this request be approved , Carole Dunivan <br /> seconded , unanimous vote of approval . <br /> Murphy discussed the PAP Salary Increases with the Committee . <br /> The issue at hand is whether to have the proposed cost of living <br /> increases included in the Omnibus budget of each department or to <br /> include it in a separate article . It was agreed to have an <br /> article sponsored by the Personnel Board as one of the first <br /> articles on the warrant and have it call for acceptance of the <br /> new salary chart including the cost of living adjustments . Then <br /> have the Omnibus budget with each line item including the new <br /> salary rate . The Committee would have available at the meeting <br /> the amounts of money that would be needed for each line item should <br /> the earlier article accepting the PAP change fails so that every <br /> line item having a PAP employee could be held and the new amount <br /> substituted . Murphy noted that he is currently negotiating a 6% <br /> cost of living increase with two of the town unions . <br /> Murphy distributed to the members a memorandum concerning <br /> the Emergency Generator at the new Coombs school . Hisaka & <br /> Associates failed to design the building in such a way as to <br /> provide provisions for emergency electrical services in the event <br /> of an electrical outage . As a result a change order likely will <br /> be issued in an amount in excess of $100 , 000 to provide this service . <br /> Selectmen would like to recover from Hisaka the difference between <br /> what this system would have cost if it had been installed along with <br /> the main construction contract of the school versus what it is costing ' <br /> .now as a change order . Town Counsel has been advised of this . <br /> Dr . Me Moura has advised the Finance Committee that he may be in <br /> need of a Request for Transfer in the amount of $25 , 000 . <br /> The Finance Committee meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 p . m. The <br /> next scheduled meeting is February 14 , 1989 at 7 p . m. <br /> `���Nl <br /> oard Secretary <br /> r� <br />