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Finance Committee <br /> February 8 , 1989 <br /> Page 4 . <br /> Asbestos removal - Murphy noted that the specs are not complete <br /> on this and it will not be ready for the annual town <br /> meeting . It will have to be deferred . <br /> School vans - The figure of this should be $42 , 000 not $44 , 00 . <br /> Finance Committee and Selectmen saw the need for the <br /> vans and recommended the funds come from Stabilization . <br /> School architect - There was agreement that this would be <br /> recommended at the annual . Murphy recommeded that the <br /> first year ' s money be found from some source and then <br /> authorize the borrowing and when in the construction <br /> phase exclude all the costs from 22 . <br /> School truck - This was deferred till later in the year . <br /> School data processing equipment - Murphy recommeded that the <br /> $10 , 450 come from stabilization . This equipment would <br /> link the school department to the town hall computer . <br /> Library automation - All present agreed that they would like to <br /> see this at the annual . Diane Kingsley is looking into <br /> the availability of federal funding and a one-time <br /> library card issuance fee , to see if this automation <br /> could be self-funding . <br /> Baseball field - The Finance Committee will make a recommendation <br /> on town meeting floor . There is just not enough information <br /> P on this . There is also a question as to the role of <br /> the DPW in this project . Members felt that the $18 , 700 <br /> figure on this was very high . <br /> Attaquin Park - No recommendation on this till members of the <br /> Attaquin Park Committee meet with the Finance Committee . <br /> Senior Center Addition - The plans for this are not ready . This <br /> will be deferred to a special . <br /> Water Quality Laboratory - This will be put on hold until the <br /> Shellfish Warden returns to the Finance Committee with <br /> f material and supplies a list o a he has the $10 , 000 <br /> earmarked for . <br /> Dredging - This was deferred . <br /> Harbormaster truck - The 1980 fire pick-up truck will be given <br /> to the Harbormaster when they get their new vehicle . <br /> Haborbormas ter boat/trailor - All agreed on the need for this <br /> and Andrew Gottlieb noted that he would check with him <br /> to see exactly what he was going to buy . <br /> Conservation Fund - There was some question as to how this $25 , 000 <br /> was to be used . Selectman Gottlieb stated that he would <br /> check on this with the Conservation Agent. <br /> Bog irrigation - All present were in agreement with this capital <br /> request . <br /> Survey c.onse.r•vati.on land - It was recommended to use the balance <br /> of what is available in cranberry receipts at the annual <br /> and then additional money in the fall when free cash is <br /> available . <br />