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Finance Committee <br /> February 15, 1989 <br /> Page 2. <br /> The Finance Committee had agreed to the Article for a new 4-wheel drive <br /> truck for the Fire Department provided the 1980 vehicle the Department has <br /> presently will be earmarked for the Harbormaster. It was agreed to defer <br /> the article for architectural design and engineering plans for the proposed <br /> addition and renovation of the Fire Station. The Finance Committee was <br /> not .in favor of the article for four new dispatchers. Heller expressed his <br /> belief that the town needs a system that will be for both fire and police. <br /> The Finance Committee considered the article for the four seasonal fire <br /> fighters and questioned what the effect would be on the recall. This will <br /> be addressed with Chief Ridgeway. The Committee was of the opinion that the <br /> article for $36,725 for fire fighter safety equipment should be deferred to <br /> a Special Town Meeting. <br /> Inspections - Doug Boyd has submitted articles for a full time clerk <br /> and an article for a part time clerk. He would like one or the other, preferably <br /> the full time position. The Committee felt that the full time position was <br /> warranted and will address this further when he addresses the Committee. <br /> Police Department - The Police Department budget was up 8%. The Committee <br /> would like to ask Chief Frye about the communications equipment and also <br /> the dispatcher situation. They felt that the Police Department budget was <br /> in-line. <br /> Education - The Finance Committee will be meeting next Wednesday with <br /> Dr. DeMoura to discuss the budget. There is a 52% increase in the school <br /> budget and a 46% increase in transportation costs. The Superintendent has <br /> advised that the start-up costs for the Coombs school are projected to be <br /> $492,270. The Committee questioned the need for two Assistant Principals. <br /> The total budget will be reviewed with the Superintendent on Wednesday, <br /> February 2Z 1989. <br /> Community School - Carl Heller would like to eliminate the Community <br /> School. He feels that the Committee should take a hard look at the Community <br /> School. William Towner suggested that the Finance Committee obtain <br /> registration figures and course offerings. <br /> DPW - The Director is requesting $10,000 in the FY90 budget for the <br /> Cemetery Account. Members felt that $5,000 would be more appropriate. <br /> It was noted that the Selectmen were supposed to resolve the maintenance <br /> issue - who is responsible for maintenance anyway???? Maintenance expense <br /> will have to stay in the DPW budget until a new plan is established. <br /> Carl said he had a problem with the $20,000 in overtime pay. Carole noted <br /> that many of the DPW employees luve been employed by the town for a long <br /> time and havea great deal of sick leave and personal days, all of which have <br /> to be covered. She noted that the overtime for FY89 is spent. The <br /> maintenance for the Beaches and Parks is up 100% from the FY89 appropriation <br /> of $5,000. Ernie will be asked to address this. Members questioned what <br /> "Research Projects" are. The Director is seeking $18,250 at Town Meeting for <br /> a new clerical position. The Finance Committee feels that all new positions <br /> must be funded by an override. <br />