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f <br /> F,T0H7y <br /> N., s 11 .hili of Cittglip££ <br /> P. 0. BOX 1108 <br /> �Tnefe�' MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> Town Hall <br /> February 15, 1989 <br /> Present : Edward Dolan , Carole Dunivan , John Ferriday , Tony <br /> Gallo , Carl Heller , and William Towner <br /> The Finance Committee meeting convened at 7 p.m. Carole informed the <br /> Committee that Chief Ridgeway of the Fire Department had contacted her and <br /> requested a meeting with her. Members of the Committee felt that it was <br /> not advisable and that Ridgeway should meet with the entire Committee. <br /> It was the consensus that such a meeting was not appropriate. <br /> The Finance Committee proceeded to review FY90 budgets. <br /> Fire Department - The Committee noted that the wage account was up 609 <br /> and the expense account was also up considerably. Ed Dolan noted that when <br /> the Chief appears before the Finance Committee he will be adding ambulance <br /> billing to his budget. He is paying an outside firm to do the billing, he <br /> was never able to get it on his computer system. He had told the Committee <br /> that it would be on his own computer, however this never materialized. <br /> He had tried to submit this as an article, but Town Counsel told him this <br /> could not be an article and must appear on his budget. The Finance Committee <br /> considered the Career Recall. Wasn't the 4-man staffing supposed to cut down <br /> on the recall situation? Carl questioned whether 5-man staffing was <br /> necessary. John Ferriday expressed his belief that if the man is paid for <br /> 3 hours on the recall he should remain at the station for three hours, they <br /> should not leave as soon as the crew returns to the .station. Ed Dolan had <br /> some questions regarding the holiday pay system which the Chief will have <br /> to address. Carole suggested that Ridgeway should utilize volunteers. <br /> Carl would like to see the FY89 funded expenses broken down and the wage <br /> account also as a basis of comparison. The communications request is up <br /> 6159 over last year with the FY90 request amount of $26,480. It was noted <br /> that any new communications equipment should be a capital item request. <br /> The members would like to know where he got the figures for the Communications <br /> line item and questioned why he needed it all this year. The members <br /> questioned the Administration Expenses, and the Water Expense, and what <br /> the $4,000 miscellaneous is for. The maintenance question is still not <br /> settled, and the Fire Department has included $11,000 in their budget for <br /> maintenance. The total expense request of $212,137.60 represents a 22.759 <br /> increase over last year. <br />