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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> Page 2 . <br /> January 25 , 1989 <br /> John Ferriday made a motion to rescind the Finance Committee ' s <br /> previous vote (January 4 , 1989) not to recommend article 8 on <br /> the January 30th Special Town Meeting Warrant . His motion <br /> suggested that Finance Committee would give their recommendation <br /> on Town Meeting floor . This was seconded by William Towner , and <br /> there was a unanimous vote of approval . <br /> The Executive Secretary informed the Committee that articles <br /> 14 through 18 had been indefinitely postponed . After discussions <br /> with the Selectmen the Police and Fire Departments agreed that <br /> these articles should be part of the collective bargaining process . <br /> The Executive Secretary noted that article 3 had also been <br /> indefinitely postponed . This article concerns the funds needed <br /> for the repair of the sewage lagoons . The Board of Health had <br /> $12 , 000 dollars available for this purpose , however , they <br /> submitted the article in the event that the bids came in above <br /> their available funds . Murphy noted that the bids had come in and <br /> were within the limit of available funds . <br /> Chairman Heller noted that a letter had been received from the <br /> DPW stating that 98 . 6% of the Building Maintenance Account had been <br /> depleted and the DPW could no longer do building maintenance . <br /> Murphy noted that the Selectmen are aware of this situation and <br /> are presently reviewing the entire issue . He stated that there will <br /> be a recommendation sometime in the near future . <br /> Chairman Heller informed the Finance Committee that there <br /> were three Requestsfor Transfer from the Reserve Fund from the <br /> Town Clerk . The first request seeks $1 , 100 to the Town Clerk <br /> expense account for costs of two Special Elections , December 13 , <br /> 1988 and February 4 , 1989 . The second request seeks $227 <br /> for Election Wages for two Special Town Meetings , November 28 , 1988 <br /> and January 30 , 1989 . The third request is for $1 , 503 . 50 for <br /> the Election Wages Account for two Special Elections , December 3 , <br /> 1988 and February 4 , 1989 . All three requests received a <br /> unanimous vote of approval . <br /> The Exective Secretary distributed the FY90 budget to the <br /> Finance Committee members and explained its organization . He <br /> also distributed a budget memorandum to the members . This <br /> memorandum stated that total requested expenditures , including <br /> an estimate of the costs of articles for new postions and other <br /> projects expected to be received by the filing deadline is <br /> nearly $20 . 7 million . The total estimated revenue available , <br /> including possible referenda questions that would provide <br /> additional funds , is nearly $18 . 5 million . The total department <br /> requests exceed the present year ' s budget by 52 per cent . <br /> Virtually all major departments have submitted budgets that <br /> reflect significantly higher costs . More than 40 new positions <br /> will be requested at the annual town meeting . Capita]. program <br /> requests include $10 . 9 million in new projects costing $2 . 3 million <br />