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Finance Committee <br /> March 29, 1990 <br /> Page 4. <br /> Paul Somerville, the Shellfish Warden, stood up to address the Finance <br /> Committee's proposal of an Aquatic Administrator and the combination of the <br /> Shellfish, Harbormaster and Herring Warden budgets. He premised his statements <br /> by stating that this all depended on the article passing, however , he saw some <br /> problrm= wits, the distribution of the monies that the committee proposed. <br /> Somerville stated that $87,491 would have been a 10% reduction of the 3 budgets <br /> and the Finance Committee is recommending $73,966 . Selectman Lawrence expressed <br /> a need to really look at these figures. Finance Committee member Polka informed <br /> everyone present that it was the intention of the committee to get the departments <br /> through the summer months and then reconsider the numbers. The Shellfish Warden <br /> confirmed that this money would get the departments through the summer season. <br /> The Librarian asked the Finance Committee about the cut to her salary <br /> figure. She was concerned that the steps had been removed for the personnel who <br /> were entitled. Jim Vaccaro assured her that the steps remained in place, <br /> however the 4% cola had been removed and $200 in her expenses had been <br /> transferred to Building & Grounds. <br /> Ernie Virgilio discussed the DPW budget with the Finance Committee. <br /> Ernie asked the committee for a clarification of the cuts to his budget. <br /> $13,000 was transferred from the DPW budget to the Building & Grounds Account, <br /> $4,181 was removed because it was an unauthorized position, there was a <br /> $7,393 adjustment to cola and an error in calculation in the amount of $1,005. <br /> Ernie expressed his concern about the title Building & Grounds Account. He <br /> stressed that he is still responsible for daily grounds maintenance and this <br /> requires money for grass seed, fencing, rock, lime, etc. Carl asked Ernie to <br /> give the Finance Committee an estimate of the cost of materials to maintain <br /> the grounds and the Finance Committee would take the matter under consideration. <br /> The School budget was the next budget addressed. The committee is <br /> recommending $39,246 more than the recommendation made by the Executive Secretary. <br /> Al Polsi who was in attendance stated that he felt that this increase to the <br /> school budget was made at the expense of other departments and has created a <br /> problem. lie felt that Finance Committee should have stuck with Kevin's <br /> Harrington's recommendation. Chairman Dolan stated that the committee had <br /> considered the school budget carefully and had reviewed it line item by line <br /> item and that the $5,350,000 recommendation was the result of this. <br /> Selectman Lawrence pointed out that the increase of $39,246 recommended by the <br /> committee still doesn't give the school what it really needs. Dr. DeMoura <br /> noted that the School Committee will meet next week for a decision however the <br /> $5,350,000 recommended was inadequate to run the schools and he would be in <br /> real trouble with this figure. Lincoln stated that he needs 5.6 million just <br /> to survive. <br /> Kevin Harrington addressed the meeting to discuss the debt exclusion <br /> override. He noted that the town is in need of an injection of money. <br /> He is suggesting removing the debt outside 22 from inside the cap. He feels <br /> the omnibus should be postponed till the override is presented and voted. <br /> A passage of the debt exclusion would free up $330,000 in FY91. Kevin is <br /> recommending that $200,000 of this be spent on the school, $50,000 for police <br /> cruisers, $40,000 for the fire budget and $34,000 for the DPW. If it does not <br /> pass we will still need an additional $200,000 for the school and it will be <br /> a significant problem. He expressed the need for voters to know that <br />