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Finance Committee <br /> March 29, 1990 <br /> Page 5. <br /> it is temporary and that it goes away. The cost of the first year will be 300 <br /> per thousand and each year after that the cost will drop. He anticipates that <br /> it will go for five years. <br /> Lawrence stated that the Board of Selectmen has not voted on the articles <br /> to include on the warrant so options are still open, but the important thing <br /> remains is the question as to whether the school committee feels that $5.6 million <br /> is the minimum they can settle for. <br /> The Finance Committee members considered a Request for Transfer from the <br /> Police Department in the amount of $5,300. Chief Pyre and Deputy Chief Maurice <br /> addressed the request. It was stated that the Police Department remitted to the <br /> Town Treasurer $4,142.50 in cruiser use receipts for the time period 3/89 to 3/90. <br /> They are requesting the return of $4,142 plus $1,158 for trash pick—up for a <br /> total of $5,300. It was further noted on the Request that an experienced <br /> estimate to cover expenses for the remainder of the year for contractual <br /> payments, gasoline and utilities is $17,944. Outstanding current invoices <br /> to be paid are $911.96. This would leave a balance of $4,121.69 which can be <br /> reasonably assumed unable to cover all other expenses for the remaining 14 <br /> weeks remaining in this fiscal year. They feel the request is necessary <br /> due to an unforeseen demand for detail cruiser use resulting in an increase <br /> in repair and gasoline expenses. Also unforeseen reponsibility to abosrb the <br /> cost of trash pick—up at a cost of $115.86 per month for 10 months at a cost <br /> of $1,158.60. The Highway Department paid for the pick—up in July and August. <br /> Vern motioned that the Finance Committee approve this request and the motion <br /> was seconded by Jim Vaccaro. The motion was unanimously approved. <br /> The next Finance Committee is scheduled for April 10th at 7 p.m. <br /> Gail McNabb <br /> Board Secretary <br />