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Finance Committee <br /> April 10, 1990 <br /> Page 2. <br /> Finance Committee agreed to review the Omnibus before making a vote. <br /> Vaccaro motioned and Polka seconded that $1.00 be kept in the Out-of-State <br /> Travel Account to keep this account active. Finance Committee was in unanimous <br /> agreement. <br /> Vaccaro motioned the Finance Committee reduce the Fin Com Reserve $1,861 to <br /> cover monies overspent. Polka seconded and there was unanimous agreement. <br /> The Fin Com Reserve figure is $72,139. <br /> Vaccaro motioned that $250 be added to Snow & Ice. Heller seconded the <br /> motion and there was a unanimous vote. The total of Snow & Ice is $105,250. <br /> Vaccaro motioned that the $42,220 for the police cruisers be transferred from <br /> capital to a line item article. The total of the Finance Committee <br /> recommendation on the Police budget would be $1,217,972. Polka seconded the <br /> motion and there was unanimous support. <br /> Vaccaro motioned that the Cape Cod Regional Tech tuition be removed from <br /> the High School tuition and added to the articles. The amount of the article <br /> would be $410,004. The motion was seconded and there was. a unanimous vote of <br /> agreement. <br /> Chairman Dolan asked the Finance Committee to reconsider a few budgets <br /> before the Omnibus was voted on. George Costa of the Board of Health was <br /> present and asked to address the committee. He stated that the Board of Health <br /> has agreed to abide by the budget recommended by the Finance Committee. <br /> However, he would like to transfer $1,500 from the Lagoon Maintenance into <br /> his management salaries for his agents for FY91. He noted that this would <br /> still give him enough money to maintain the lagoons and he may even be able <br /> to return a small amount of money. He stressed that the bottom line of his <br /> budget would not change. Ed Dolan emphasized that the committee had only <br /> recommended a 29 increase in salaries for town employees and this would give <br /> the agent and the assistnat agent more than a 29 raise. Costa stressed that <br /> he is taking this $1,500 from his expenses and funding the additional raise <br /> from his own budget. Carl Heller motioned that the Finance Committee approve <br /> this requested transfer and Jim Vaccaro seconded. The motion carried with <br /> one opposing vote by Dolan. This would make BOH salaries/wages $97,789 and <br /> expenses $48,392 for a total budget of $146,181. <br /> Chairman Dolan asked the committee if they wished to reconsider their <br /> recommendation of the Town Planner's budget. It was noted that no guideline <br /> had been received from the Selectmen regarding this. John expressed his <br /> concern that perhaps the committee had not truly considered all the ramifications <br /> of the budget. Vaccaro noted that there are presently three departments with <br /> assistants. The Town Planner is the one department that does not provide direct <br /> service or generate revenue. He further noted that Fudala was. never clear about <br /> the impact of a cut to his department. There was no motion to reconsider this <br /> budget. <br />