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NEXT FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 10TH AT 7 P.M. <br /> o' uli of �7LtIIS�j�7£E <br /> '"• P. 0. Box 1108 <br /> 1RyTA �r <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> CE COMMITTEE <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> Town Hall <br /> March 29, 1990 <br /> Present: Ed Dolan, Carole Dunivan, John Ferriday, Tony Gallo, Carl Heller, <br /> Vern Polka and Jim Vaccaro <br /> The Finance Committee convened at 7 p.m. The Chairman noted that the <br /> purpose of this meeting was to review budgets with departments and explain <br /> Finance Committee recommendations on department budgets. Departments will be <br /> given the opportunity to express their opinions. Selectmen, Carter, Hanson, <br /> Jocobson, and Lawrence were in attendance as well as the Executive Secretary. <br /> Ed noted that several changes had been recommended to the omnibus at <br /> the Finance Committee meeting of March 28 and they are as follows: <br /> + $1,000 to the Tax Collector's budget <br /> + $1,000 to the Town Clerk's budget <br /> + $1,460 to the Elections & Registrations <br /> + $580 to the Building Inspector's budget <br /> + $655 to the Board of Health's budget <br /> - $1,000 to the FinCom Reserve <br /> - $5,000 to the Pension Reserve <br /> Carole motioned that the Board of Health budget be discussed first as <br /> they were required at a BOH meeting also. This motion was seconded by John <br /> Ferriday. BOH member Greelish was protesting the cuts to salary for the <br /> BOH. Chairman Dolan stated that the Finance Committee is only recommending <br /> a 2% salary increase plus steps for all employees and in essence what the BOH is <br /> requesting is a sixth step to the PAP. George Costa felt that the salaries <br /> for both the agent and the assistant agent were unacceptable and that these <br /> individuals deserved more, and he further requested that the committee <br /> recommend an additional $1,600 in salaries. Chairman Dolan again noted that <br /> these positions were not following the PAP guidelines and were requesting <br /> the committee to authorize a 6th step on the scale which does not exist. <br /> Costa insisted that it was not a step. The Finance Committee agreed that <br /> if additional monies were needed for the agent and assistant the BOH should <br /> find the money in their own salary account. <br /> Pam Davis of the Assessors discussed her budget. Pam questioned the <br /> reduction of $6,131 in wages. Ed noted that the Assessors had been illegally <br /> using wage money to pay for a permanent part-time position. At an earlier <br /> meeting he requested that Pam submit an article for the position as it was <br /> really a permanent position and should not be funded out of a wage account. <br />