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" ' MASHPEE'FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> JANUARY 28, 1992 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT. 7;00 P.M. ` <br /> Members Present: Tony Gallo, Chairman, Denise Sullivan, Al Polsi, Ed Baker,- <br /> Dan Goggin; John Ferriday; Deidre Greelish <br /> 'i Ed Baker and Dan Goggin informed the Board that they had both been sworn in. <br /> MINUTES <br /> The Board discussed the minutes. of January 21 , 1992. Members agreed that <br /> there were no errors or omissions in the minutes. Board members were in <br /> favor 7-0. <br /> Diane M. Rommelmeyer, Town. Accountant; was' present•at the' start of the meeting <br /> and issued to each member, a long term,debt ledger sheet 'for the Town of <br /> Mashpee.. She indicated that it was for informational' purposes. only, and <br /> explained each column of. the ledger sheet. The first column is the opening <br /> balance as of July 1 , 1991 .. The debits represent all of the payments that <br /> have been issued as of,,December 31 , 1991 . -There are .two additions in the <br /> credit' column, `Briaiwodd,Road"and •Town Hall arc$itect. The last column is -+ <br /> the debtlowed5'by thetfown,as*of'De cembeT 31;= 1991: ''A copy of this ledger is A <br /> attached. The second part of- the report, bonds authorized, are memorandum- <br /> figures ,only.r. It is,all=of., the borrowing authorization that the town meeting <br /> 'BUDGETmS,.. <br /> 4':i � 2.'��, .. t..L m:..- i fix J' �l :�� 1• e F� .�':1 - e <br /> Tory Gallo; Chairman, asked if. there was any reason why there was not a 10% <br /> reduced budget recieved by the Board of Health? <br /> Al Polsi answered that- they could not' survive a 10% budget cut and that is ' <br /> why-onewas not' submitted. <br /> T array `indicated that he,received a notice .from Kevin that had been sent to <br /> Elias McQuaid statingthat a 10% reducedud_get .had not been received from <br /> the Board of Health. <br /> Al 'Polsi stated that he .thought it was the decision of the Board of Health', <br /> a three member elected board, as well as Elias McQuaid and Orin Evans reviewing <br /> that there, possible way they could survive with a 10% budget cut. He <br /> then stated:that'he will look into it. <br /> Tony Gallo had questioned the Board ,of Health because it appeared that <br /> everyone else had submitted a 10"% budget reductions <br /> The Committee reviewdd. the Police Department budget. Tony Gallo is the _ <br /> liaison for 'this,department. <br /> Tony re-iterated-that tie%was surprised that marry of the .10% budget cuts did <br /> not involve any layoffs. ' How were they surviving the budget cut without <br /> reducing personnel? The:-police cruisers were included in the tcivil' service: <br /> budget and also some hours cut for some people, and also supplies. <br /> Z <br /> ' .. : n u�• a F...�� C'^ .. <br />