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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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when-the busy season began. He stated that ,he didn't want salary, because <br /> he didn't want -that .comm itifiefflitl He was just willing to set- up the F <br /> organization. He did-expect to be reimbursed for out.'of pocket expenses. t .. <br /> ' <br /> The -letter was written to Jim Vaccaro and apparently the position was <br /> given to someone else. " Neil felt that one man was capable of running <br /> ' the Harbormaster Department and the ShellfishDepartment together: <br /> 'John Ferriday answered that we could recommend things from a financial <br /> standpoint; and.we could recommend that the two -departments be combined; <br /> but we cannot hire anybody. It'is up to the Waterways Commission and <br /> the'Shell£ish Commission and the Board of Selectmen: Dan suggested that <br /> we could recommend:uaing.more volunteer help. <br /> Neil felt. that' eventually ,you would have- to come up with money for <br /> at least three men. Most traffic is on the weekends and it is a lot <br /> of work checking boats .at the landings. I ' <br /> Ed felt that it was getting out of.the Finance Committee's area. He did <br /> not`�feel that'we-should- step on anybody!s toes on the Waterways Commission, <br /> the Board of. Selectmen and the Shellfish Commission. It was excellent <br /> information and it sounded very •promising but ,Ed didn't think it waa the <br /> responsibility of the Finance'Committee, with respect to the other Boards. <br /> Ed then stated that we should take• it under advisement and see how it <br /> develops::,.. <br /> Diane stated that we only have $400.00 left in the Harbormaster account <br /> until Julyvl ,- 1992. <br /> John also asked to voice his opinion'regarding this position. . He <br /> did not think that it was a good 'idea for the' Town 'of Mashpee. to bei <br /> accepting Savors from some companies, an example is the Little River' <br /> Boat 'Yard Building also being used-as the Harbormaster's office and <br /> another example is .the Shellfish Warden docking his boat at, the New <br /> 5 :. p.+� y <br /> SeaburyrMarina,T^with out 4pa"ying!something. L.ItrTis a conflict of interest. , <br /> Denise 'indicated that 'she had--confronted George Benway about this and <br /> his reply{,-was t6 look at 'all they hadhdone for the town. <br /> Ed alsop pared a°report` which4he o <br /> explained tthe Board Members: , He <br /> indicated that,.the,,She,llfish Warden who is a -part time employee -is " . <br /> leaving, ofApril;*;ThefHarbormasterrposition 'isopen, and the town has <br /> :a big financial squeeze go ng on. i'He fel%. that they should' be combined. <br /> He felt the'only reasons why the?idea may not have passed previously <br /> was 1 ) possibility of who would get the combined position, 2)'Sheihlfish' <br /> and boating interest tend' to compete to some degree and 3) if you looked <br /> at the omnibus budget the individual Shellfish position and the <br /> individual Harbormaster position was $2,000.00 less than the. combined <br /> positions: "Ed' felt.that these three+things may have prevented it from <br /> passing. +He suggested that if `we -could get the Shellfish Commission and <br /> the Harbormaster Gommission�together and update the documents and put <br /> inythe requirements to Valance them, a single person would be capable of' <br /> both positions. Ed felt,fairly confident-that vie, various Commissions, <br /> could get it through town meeting. Besides these two Commissions being <br /> consolidated, Ed's report also combined the. Conservation Department and. <br /> the Dog .Officer.,:,pThese four departments would be combined under one", <br /> Conseevation Commission. He indicated a potential savings of $30,000.'' <br /> He wasn't stating that we should do •it, but it was a potential thought. <br /> Denise mentioned a proposal that was drawn up by the Waterways Administrator. <br /> ',It came from ,the Executive, Secre-terry and the Personnel Board as part of <br /> FY 91 Budget and was shot•;,down. It included the Shellfish4arde4, the <br /> 3- <br />
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