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PHerring Warden and the"'HTTTarbormaster; She indicated that all Edywas <br /> ,adding to this was the Dog Officer and the Conservation 'Agent., <br /> ;'.• .Deidre suggested" !sending+arletter tc Kevin°Harrington to res,,rect <br /> this ideajand review'it,again for ,the;May town- meeting. This is a <br /> good year tc do''it. "Membersragreed to this letter being written <br /> regarding the consolidation of the Harbormaster and Shellfish Departments. <br /> , ". Al recommended that the Executive Secretary show up at a meeting. ' <br /> ,Tony•indicated that 'if, we could get. Kevin into a meeting we could <br /> also discuss Ed's,proposal with him. <br /> Ed also recommended�.setting,a utilization fee. on boats and. private <br /> landings and private docks. ',Right now, the people in the Marina <br /> and at private docks°are not paging anything to- the town. <br /> ,Tory mentioned at this'point, we needed to.move on to the budgets. <br /> BUDGET 7,BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br /> Al Polsi is the liaison7 for this department: He handed out a packet <br /> "to the members, which he prepared for the FY93• .The packet detailed <br /> •' all of their activities for the past years, and Al asked that the <br /> Board-Members review 'it. Al did make some specific, recommendations. <br /> He felt we should not reduce the:salary portion of the budget and ,the _ <br /> only part of, this 'department that could be considered for reduction was <br /> the,expense`portion.. This would effect the money for the Sealer of <br /> Weights and Measures, -or mileage reimbursement to the wiring and <br /> plumbing/gas inspectors. He also requested •a part time clerk be <br /> approved to fill in for'ithe,Administrative Assistant during sick <br /> and vacation time. Al felt strongly that this department was- <br /> .functioning <br /> • - as efficiently as possible with the budget they have, and any major <br /> reduction would seriously" effect the necessary services they perform to <br /> .the town: <br /> Denise^ asked whether we needed a Sealer of •Weights and Measures. We <br /> do "by law: <br /> 'Al indicated.that all ,they are asking, for in their budget is a step <br /> ncrease�for their Administrative Assistant. The .step increase is <br /> less than 10oo'of the total salary..,,-Al indicated that they'would agree <br /> to a 10/ increase in their expense budget. <br /> Ed stated that we should ask Kevin to review the idea that whoever does <br /> the work should tie, set up by the Executive Secretary and'the Building <br /> Inspector and charge the-customers "the fee and travel expenses. Ed, <br /> Pelt that .the town should not be paying the Sealer of Weights and Measures <br /> anything, <br /> Al indicated that the Sealer of Weights and'Measures brought $887.00 <br /> into the town and it 'only cost the town $2,000.00. <br /> Al also indicated that itis a State`Mandate that we have a•Sealer'of <br /> Weights and Measures-and' the town sets the fee. Al stated that he <br /> would inquire Ed's questions about charging the customer, and returning' <br /> a percentage to the town. <br /> Members also discussed whether or not Al thought they were really working <br /> the hours they were getting -paid salary to work. Al thought they were <br /> plus some. Al also indicated that. if an inspector was not available when <br /> an inspection was required',,,the. amount- paid to someone to come in and <br /> do the inspection •yould�come from their own salary. <br /> Deidre then asked what was Al's recommendation. He felt that we should <br /> go with "Budget B, 1which is 'the level funded budget; accept the increase <br /> for Patricia White, and leave-the others as is. <br /> - Denise stated that Patricia White is getting paid $14.12 per hour and is <br /> entitle to the step increase on February 3, 1992." <br />