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I <br /> MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 4, 1992 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7:00 P.M. <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Gallo, Chairman, Denise Sullivan, Al Polsi, <br /> Ed Baker, Dan Goggin, John Ferriday, Deidre Greelish <br /> Unfinished Business: <br /> John Ferriday, at Ed Baker's request, was going to get a copy of <br /> the FY 91 End of the Year Report that was submitted to the <br /> Department of Education. John was also going to get, at Al Polsi's <br /> request, the School Department's fringe benefit package. <br /> MINUTES: <br /> Members all agreed that the minutes of January 30, 1992 would be <br /> voted on on Thursday, February 6, 1992. Members also agreed that <br /> the memo to Kevin Harrington regarding the consolidation of <br /> Harbormaster and Shellfish Departments be signed. Denise Sullivan <br /> motioned to send another memo to Kevin Harrington regarding <br /> Popponesset Spit. Deidre Greelish seconded the motion, but Tony <br /> Gallo called for discussion. <br /> Tony then went on to explain to the members that during the <br /> hurricane in August, Popponesset Spit had been washed away by the <br /> high tides and strong winds. The Executive Secretary got it <br /> repaired without getting approval by the selectmen. The selectmen <br /> were under the impression that the funding would come from Federal <br /> funding and State funding and that no money would come from the <br /> town. It was declared an emergency by the Governor. One of the <br /> questions being asked is whether or not Popponesset Spit is private <br /> property or public property. If it is private property then <br /> Federal funding will not reimburse the town. John Ferriday <br /> mentioned that the Spit is private property but that the sand from <br /> the Spit washed into the waterway, which is public property. <br /> Members all agreed that there needs to be some type of resolution <br /> because the taxpayers will want some assurance that this type of <br /> thing will not happen again. Members then voted 7-0 to send a memo <br /> to the Board of Selectmen requesting their resolution. <br /> The matter of the Board Secretary to the School Building Needs <br /> Committee was resolved. The $1,055.00 is going to be transferred <br /> from the Reserve Account to the Personnel Wage Account. <br /> Al Polsi indicated that the Personnel Board would like to meet with <br /> the Finance Committee on Monday. Members agreed that Monday would <br /> be fine. Deidre motioned that Al's recommendations should also be <br /> discussed. She handed out a packet to the members which was typed <br /> from Al's initial report. <br />