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A <br /> I1 <br /> I <br /> • Diane Rommelmeyer, : Town Accountant, was also present at this <br /> meeting. She and Dan Goggin had met previous to the meeting to <br /> discuss Mashpee's Fiscal Year FY 92 and FY 93 . Dan handed out a <br /> printout to the members for discussion. A copy is attached. <br /> Certain figures given were estimates and certain figures were <br /> actual. The first page of the packet indicated a level budget for <br /> FY 93 comparing it to FY 92 . The second page indicated a level <br /> service budget request for FY 93 . Members then continued to <br /> discuss these figures. Al questioned how the Finance Committee <br /> goes about reducing the deficit. He felt that there must be some <br /> plan. Tony mentioned that he didn't think that any department <br /> actually thought they would get what they wanted in the level <br /> service budget. Town value was also discussed and the fact that <br /> the value has decreased in the past year. Diane also mentioned <br /> that it surprised her to see the 10% budget reductions and not see <br /> reductions in staff. Tony also indicated that he didn't think the <br /> 10% budgets were very helpful to the Finance Committee. Tony <br /> stated that the town just doesn't have enough revenue coming in. <br /> The revenue from property taxes make. up 90% of the money that is <br /> coming into the town. Diane indicated that on June 30th all of the <br /> surplus taken from appropriation is accounted for, but if you have <br /> a high receivable you have to net out that receivable. Diane <br /> indicated that the surplus would help and last year she closed to <br /> revenue over $500,000.00, but we ended up with $127,000.00 because <br /> of the high receivable. <br /> John mentioned that a question he has been asked is if a department <br /> saves 5% in their budget and another department does not who <br /> actually benefits? The department who does not? John felt that it <br /> should all go back to the department that is saving because why <br /> should they save? Tony also stated that any department would be <br /> foolish to vote for a salary freeze unless it was going to prevent <br /> layoffs in their own department. People won't vote for a salary <br /> freeze. <br /> Diane indicated that all contracts are up for negotiations in June. <br /> Diane also stated that we need to be aware that there is a deficit <br /> and it will be approximately $250,000.00. Dan mentioned that we <br /> also need to be aware of the articles submitted so we know what is <br /> being requested. <br /> The members also discussed the fact that the town people will be <br /> voting the funding to move the Town Hall. Presently the building <br /> they are using belongs to the School Department. Ed then brought <br /> up double sessions for the school children and increasing classroom <br /> size. Tony thought that this was just to much for the kids. <br /> Members agreed that this was totally off the subject and moved on. <br /> Deidre then mentioned that she also agreed with Al about getting <br /> focused on what our balancing policies will be. Deidre felt that <br /> we need to be realistic about our fixed costs and we have a FY 92 <br /> provision abatement that we have to finance. She stated that we <br /> have to go back and see at what level we can work at, for instance, <br /> a 1992 salary freeze. <br />