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if <br /> s <br /> I� <br /> Tony mentioned that we need to be really careful that we do not <br /> hinder negotiations. Ed indicated that he felt Deidre was not <br /> stating that we should freeze salaries but to establish a budget as <br /> if salaries were frozen and then any department that gives a raise <br /> would have to figure out how to fund that raise within their <br /> existing budget. Tony stated that you still need to be really <br /> careful doing that. When you are not funding a raise, in a sense, <br /> you are interferring with a contract if a department cannot in way <br /> fund a raise. Al questioned whether the Finance Committee could <br /> recommend a 35 hour week instead of a 40 hour week. Diane stated <br /> that you cannot change a contract, if the contract states you work <br /> 40 hours per week. Tony mentioned that the Finance Committee had <br /> done it before. Ed indicated that the committee had done it on <br /> P.A.P. Accounts, but not for the fire chief or police chief's <br /> position, etc. Diane indicated that all you can really do is cut <br /> their overtime account. <br /> Ed suggested that we stick to finances and not get into layoffs or <br /> cutting hours, only that the Finance , Committee makes <br /> recommendations of $0.00. Tony stated that we need to set <br /> priorities right down the line. Voters will then have to decide <br /> whether or not they want that particular service. He does not want <br /> to cut down all departments to the point that they are running <br /> ineffectively. By setting priorities we can make certain that a <br /> • department can run effectively. Deidre mentioned that she would <br /> like to see a fire budget that has no discretionary training. She <br /> felt we have enough paramedics. <br /> Tony stated that he had spent over an hour at the police department <br /> and that they had told him the Board of Selectmen told them not to <br /> hire any new officers. The selectmen felt it was cheaper to pay <br /> the officers time and a half rather than a new hire's benefits. <br /> Tony stated that he questioned having two cruisers and the answer <br /> was that they only have two now. They are understaffed. Deidre <br /> spoke about the three dispatchers. She felt that two were <br /> definetly needed per shift because they not only dispatch but they <br /> check the cells and work the desk. <br /> Members agreed to meet on Thursday and start prioritizing <br /> departments. The top priorities are of course, fire, police and <br /> school. They will prioritize with the list that John handed out <br /> previously. Ed asked John to request a copy of the FY 91 End of <br /> Year Report that was submitted to the Department of Education. Al <br /> asked John to get the School Department's fringe benefit package, <br /> for example the benefits of custodians, teachers, food services. <br /> They probably all have different benefits. <br /> The Finance Committee will meet again on Thursday, February 6, 1992 <br /> at 7:00 P.M. and discuss the Fire Department and touch on the <br /> Police Department. Ed also asked members to look over his <br /> proposal, but to add a third Waterways Assistant adding another <br /> $4,160.00 to the lowest number. The meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P.M. <br />