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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY E, 1992 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7: 00 F.M. <br /> Members Present : Tony Gallo, Chairman: Deidre Greelish; Denise <br /> Sullivan; Al Polsi ; Dan Goggin; Ed Baker ; John Ferriday. <br /> MINUTES <br /> MOTION by Mrs. Greelish/Mr . Polsi to accept the minutes <br /> of January 30, 1992, SO VOTED UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Mr . Gallo said he hasn' t spoken to Mr . Harrington about the <br /> Harbormaster and Shellfish Warden position but Mrs. Sullivan said <br /> she has and Mr . Harrington said he is considering the position <br /> but has no figure amount yet . <br /> The Committee reviewed the Town' s sheet regarding budget requests <br /> which has been revised since the last meeting. The total omnibus <br /> is now $18, 520, eO7. 00, and the total budget is $20, 536, 123. 00, <br /> leaving a shortfall of $1 , 523, 810. 00. <br /> The Committee members disc=ussed an appropriate time to have Mr. <br /> Harrington meet with the Beard to present the Beard of <br /> Selectmen' s budget . It was agreed to have him come before the <br /> Committee after he presents the budget to the Beard of Selectmen. <br /> Mrs. Greelish suggested each liaison go back to their departments <br /> and sit down with them and came to an agreement on a budget <br /> figure. These figures can then be plugged into the total budget <br /> to see what the shortfall will be and then the Committee can have <br /> the department head come in and deliberate again to see where <br /> further ruts are necessary. Mrs. Greelish said she met with the <br /> Fire Chief and prepared a draft budget and the Chief would like <br /> to come before the Committee if any more cuts are to be made. <br /> Mr. Baker disagreed and felt the Committee should first came up <br /> with a figure for each department and then go to the Department <br /> Head with the figure and work from there. He felt this would <br /> save the time of having to go back and forth. Mr . Goggin agreed <br /> with Mr . Baker and felt they should wait until they get a bottom <br /> number before going back to the departments. <br /> MOTION by Mrs. Sullivan/Mr. Goggin that the Committee <br /> come up with bottom line figures for each department <br /> before meeting with them, SO VOTED. <br /> s <br /> y <br />