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Finance Committee 2/E/92 <br /> BUDGETS <br /> Fire Department <br /> The Committee reviewed the proposed budget Mrs. Greelish had <br /> obtained in her meeting with the Fire Chief. The total proposed <br /> budget is $1 , 050,000. 00 broken into $900, 000.00 for salary/Wages <br /> and $150, 000 for expenses, which is -2% from the FY92 budget . <br /> Mrs. Greelish stated the Chief said this budget is based on the <br /> barest amount of maintenance on equipment, number of incidents, <br /> and maintaining the required 5 manpower on each shift. The Chief <br /> said he is not willinq to change the coverage bec=ause this <br /> present coverage was voted at town meeting with an override. The <br /> Chief also said he is able to take the -2% cut because of the <br /> change in the way the department handles responses. <br /> Mr . Ferriday asked why their phone bill was $10, 000.00 last year <br /> and Mrs. Greelish said she forgot to ask. Mr . Goggin asked what <br /> would the figure be if they didn' t supply ambulance services. <br /> Mrs. Greelish said there isn' t a private ambulanc=e service near <br /> enough to provide services. Mr . Goqgin said he would like to see <br /> the expenses for ambulance services and other calls separated. <br /> The Committee discussed the difference between the -2% budget and <br /> 10% budget . Mr . Baker felt there was a possibility of double <br /> accounting in the overtime budget . After trying to figure out <br /> the discrepanc=y, it was agreed that Mr . Baker will meet with Mrs. <br /> Greelish and the Fire Chief at the station at 1 . 00 p. m. tomorrow <br /> to go over the figures. <br /> Mr . Gallo felt the Fire Department would have to reduc=e the <br /> budget by more than 2%. Mr. Baker suggested wiping out the <br /> entire capital account for the Town. Mrs. Greelish said the Fire <br /> Chief gave his capital budget to Mr . Harrington and did not <br /> provide her with a copy. Mr . Baker also suggested the Fire <br /> Department assume fire hydrant maintenance without additonal <br /> manpower and thus save the taxpayers money on their water <br /> district tax. Mrs. Greelish felt this should first be disc=ussed <br /> with the Water Distric=t. <br /> Police Department <br /> Mr . Gallo said he met with the Police Chief and Deputy Chief and <br /> they presented a level funded budget and said they can' t live <br /> with anything less as they can't g=ut anything else. Mr . Gallo <br /> learned that they have 1 personal computer with 7 terminals and <br /> they have a service contract for them. He asked them if they <br /> could cut back to 1 administrative clergy: and was told no because <br /> in fact they need 1 more. Mr . Gallo said they will be providing <br /> a breakdown of the repairs/gasoline expenses. Mr . Gallo also <br /> said Barbara Horton, although she is still classified as a <br />