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of the annual town meeting to vote for the 15 room addition. Ed <br /> Baker seconded and the Board was in favor, 5-1, Tony Gallo <br /> opposing. Tony Gallo felt that he did not want to tell another <br /> department what to do, especially the Board of Selectmen, just as <br /> he would not appreciate it if another department told the Finance <br /> Committee what to do. Al Polsi did not think there was anything <br /> wrong with just recommending. They do not have to accept it. <br /> Deidre Greelish indicated that she was not going to withdraw her <br /> motion. Dan Goggin also felt that Deidre made a good <br /> recommendation. He did not want to be rushed into anything. He <br /> also felt that it could wait until May. <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN'S MEETING <br /> Kevin Harrington indicated that there were two Articles prepared <br /> for the night of the special town meeting on March 16, 1992. One <br /> Article is the Middle School addition and the second Article is the <br /> outstanding Fire Department's labor contract. There was no date <br /> set for election of debt exclusion. James Vaccaro, Selectman, was <br /> uncomfortable with having something on the warrant that hasn't been <br /> reviewed. He moved to remove Article 2 from the March 16th <br /> warrant. Judy Mills seconded and all were in favor except Nancy <br /> Caffyn who abstained. <br /> Tony Gallo then explained to the Board of Selectmen that the <br /> Finance Committee was not comfortable with the vote having to be <br /> decided on at a special town meeting. The Finance Committee's <br /> motion and recommendation was read. Mr. Gallo stated that the <br /> Finance Committee was not certain as to what the exact figures were <br /> and the number of classrooms needed. He indicated that the <br /> committee members were not sure that they would be ready on March <br /> 16th. Deidre Greelish then went on to explain that it was the <br /> consensus of the Finance Committee that a March town meeting <br /> implies a certain state of emergency, and the Finance Committee was <br /> not convinced that it is so. She indicated that a decision had to <br /> be made, but she felt it could wait until the special town meeting <br /> the night of the annual town meeting. <br /> David Terry, School Building Needs Committee member, stated that <br /> three or more years ago, the Board of Selectmen assigned this <br /> committee to coming up with a plan to build an elementary school. <br /> He felt that they had generated a great set of plans, but was <br /> rejected at town meeting. He stated that they were then asked to <br /> reconstruct their ideas, because Mashpee was not ready for their <br /> initial plan. He mentioned that they then came up with the idea of <br /> the 15 room addition to the Middle School on the assumption that in <br /> 1996 it will then become a Jr/Sr. High School. He feels the <br /> question is simple. Either the town supports it or they don't. He <br /> felt that they came up with a great plan, with good figures. Judy <br /> Mills, Selectman, indicated that she did not think the question was <br /> whether or not the various committees supported the idea, but the <br /> state of urgency that exists in building it. <br /> James Vaccaro, Selectman, mentioned that the School Building Needs <br />