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14ASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 26, 1992 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 6:50 P.M. <br /> Members Present: Tony Gallo, Chairman; Deidre Greelish; Al Polsi; <br /> Dan Goggin; John Ferriday; Ed Baker; Denise Sullivan <br /> MINUTES <br /> MOTION by Deidre Greelish and seconded by Ed Baker to accept the <br /> minutes of February 18, 1992 and February 19, 1992, with these <br /> corrections in the minutes of February 18, 1992. Page 4 read that <br /> the Board of Selectmen would hold the debt exclusion question, it <br /> should have read the debt exclusion election, until the regular <br /> town election. There also were three changes in the document, <br /> where it read the special town meeting being changed to the night <br /> of the annual town meeting. It should have read the special town <br /> meeting in March being changed to the special town meeting the <br /> night of the annual town meeting. Members noted these corrections <br /> and voted unanimously 7-0 to accept the minutes of February 18th <br /> and February 19th. <br /> Tony Gallo, Chairman, indicated that there were two requests to <br /> tranfer money from the Reserve Fund into certain departments. One <br /> request was from the Treasurer. They reqested that $312. 30 be <br /> transferred into the Treasurer's Salary and Wages to correct the <br /> return mail problem. There is 150 to 200 changes that need to be <br /> made in the computer. The problem was that the tax rate was being <br /> set so late. The second request was from the Town Clerk. She <br /> requested the transfer of $1,000 to the Town Clerk Wage Account. <br /> She requested an additional person be hired throughout the month of <br /> March for sticker sales, shellfish licensing and data entry. <br /> Ed Baker motioned to transfer the money from the Reserve Fund into <br /> Anne Shaw's expense account in the sum of $312. 30. Deidre Greelish <br /> seconded the motion. All members were opposed, 7-0. Dan Goggin <br /> suggested that Ed Baker, the liaison to the Town Clerk review the <br /> situation with Jane LaBute, and get back to the Committee as to <br /> what he feels they should recommend. The problem is that there is <br /> an employee who is out of work on leave and is still being paid, so <br /> there is no extra money to hire someone else to do some of the work <br /> that the office is getting behind on. <br /> UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> Al Polsi discussed some of the questions the members had pending <br /> last meeting regarding the departments that he is liaison to. Mr. <br /> Polsi handed a copy of a memorandum from Greg Taylor to <br /> the members. The memo was written to Mr. Polsi and Mr. Harrington <br /> regarding the estimated town trash pickup program cost. Mr. Taylor <br />