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Page 2 <br /> that we should have a mechanic for all other town vehicles, outside <br /> of the DPW, police and fire departments. Ms. Greelish stated that <br /> we would need a bay and a lift. Tony Gallo thought that maybe the <br /> committee should put an article in the warrant. Dan Goggin is <br /> going to speak to Diane Rozmelmeyer and Greg Taylor and do a study. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Deirdre Greelish brought up the two reserve fund transfer requests <br /> from the DPW, which still have not been acted on. The f irst <br /> request was for $1, 200 for Cotuit Corners, including Brewster Rd. <br /> and others. John Ferriday MOTIONED to transfer $1,200 into the DPW <br /> Expense from the Reserve Fund. Tony Gallo seconded the motion and <br /> members voted 6 opposing I approving. <br /> The second transfer request was for $8,000 for Scituate Road. Tony <br /> Gallo MOTIONED that the committee do not vote on this request. Ed <br /> Baker seconded the motion and members voted 7-0 to NOT vote. <br /> ADDITIONAL NEW BUSINESS <br /> Next members agreed to review the FY94 Finance Committee Budget <br /> worksheet. Roger Dunivan suggested getting the quick budgets out <br /> of the way. Roger also suggested starting the budget <br /> alphabetically and getting back to revenues later on. Denise <br /> Sullivan asked whether their were many money articles? Deirdre <br /> stated that she has not received any yet. Members agreed that they <br /> would start the budget process this year with the four big <br /> departments, school , police, fire, and DPW. The Health Department <br /> would be looked at next. After reviewing the worksheet, members <br /> agreed that the Arts Council , Cemetery, Data Processing, Tree <br /> Warden, Snow/Ice, Moderator, Sewer commission, and Debt Service <br /> looked okay as is. All of the other departments, there are certain <br /> questions, which the liaisons will review and get back to the <br /> committee. Members noticed that the Cape Cod Commission was not <br /> listed on the worksheet. By adding the Commission it changes the <br /> state aid on the non-tax side to $1,416,449 . The available amount <br /> for FY94 is $18,722, 329 , the shortfall being $1 ,093 ,307. <br /> The members also discussed the school department. Roger Dunivan <br /> MOTIONED that the liaison, John Ferriday, get in touch with Petei <br /> Denizio, School Building Needs Chairman, to verify that he was <br /> approached by the school department for the excess funds available <br /> for the school's computers ($100,000) and ($50,000) for other <br /> things. Members did not vote. Mr. Baker thought that a letter <br /> should be written to Dr. DeMoura stating that the original plan <br /> requested $9o,000 to furnish rooms. The remainder, when the <br /> construction is completed, should not be expended, but used to pay <br /> off the original debt. <br /> The"next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 2 , 1993 at 7:00 PM. <br /> Members will be discussing the School Department. On Thursday, the <br />