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FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> 3/2/93 <br /> Meeting commenced at 7:00 PM <br /> Members Present: Deirdre Greelish, Chairperson; Dan Goggin, Vice Chairperson; Denise Sullivan, <br /> Clerk; John Ferriday, Ed Baker, Tony Gallo, and Roger Dunivan. <br /> Guests Present: Selectmen Chairperson Nancy Caflyn and Executive Secretary Robert Whritenour. <br /> The Recording Secretary was unable to attend the meeting this evening. Deirdre will be taking the <br /> minutes. Therefore, she turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Dan Goggin. <br /> MINUTES <br /> Roger Dunivan motioned to accept the minutes of February 23, 1993. Ed Baker seconded the motion <br /> and members voted unanimously for acceptance. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: Middle School Addition Furnishings <br /> Ed Baker and Deirdre Greelish attended the Middle School Addition Building Committee meeting today <br /> to get an explanation for the increased estimate for furnishings and the new budget of $45,000 for <br /> equipment. Deirdre presented the Committee with a handout obtained at the Building Committee <br /> meeting. Ed said the Building Committee explained $90,000 for furnishings rose to $120,000 when built- <br /> in ftimishings were removed from the construction documents. The architect said there would be a 25% <br /> savings from this change. Dan Goggin said the continued spending of the $45,000 is of concern to him. <br /> John Ferriday said it points to the attitude in the School Department. The available funds should not be <br /> seen as a cue to spend. <br /> Ed reiterated the Finance Committee's understanding of the agreement last spring when the addition was <br /> voted at town meeting. That is, the project would not be bonded until it was complete, and we knew <br /> exactly how much the addition cost, furnishings and all. Executive Secretary Bob Whritenhour explained <br /> that he supported bonding prior to completion because the bond rate had dropped to the lowest rate since <br /> the 30's, and because the contracts had been awarded for construction ($1,470,000, down from the <br /> estimate of$1,790,000 at the town meeting). Mr. Whritenour asked the Building Committee to estimate <br /> the rest of the costs, and the final bond figure was $1,945,000. Ed said his objection to the bonding was <br /> that it broke an agreement between the Finance Committee, Selectmen, and School Committee, and we <br /> were not notified of the change. <br /> Selectman Nancy Caffyn asked about the procedure on signing off on bills. She had been told that a <br /> member of the Building Committee, Bill Jones, was signing off on the bills. Ed said his impression is that <br /> they are acting independently. Bill Martiros from the Taxpayers Association, mentioned that he sat on <br /> the Town Hall Building Committee, and that Committee handled its own bills. He added that a <br /> Selectman was a member of that Committee. Bob Whritenour will find out who is signing the bills, since <br /> only the Selectmen can transfer such authority. <br /> SELECTMEN'S BUDGET <br /> Bob Whritenour handed out a budget and transmittal letter from the Board of Selectmen, a copy of which <br /> is included with these minutes. The letter states the budget 'Ireflects a fiscally conservative viewpoint, <br /> and provides for certain initiatives...for improving the delivery of services for our growing Town." Town <br /> insurance has been reduced $135,000, and short-term interest costs will decrease $73,000 as a result of <br /> quarterly tax billing. <br />