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Ed mentioned other services related to the beaches (raking, trash collection and portable toilets) that are <br /> not covered by the rate increase. He asked in the employee benefits are Covered by the rate increase. <br /> Bob is not sure if they were factored in, so he will review those line items with the Treasurer. <br /> Vehicle Maintenance Pro <br /> The Selectmen plan to move the mechanic out of the Police budget and into the DPW budget (adding to <br /> the I mechanic already there), move the line items for vehicle maintenance and fuel from all the budgets <br /> into a Selectmen-controlled new Vehicle Fuel & Maintenance line item. This amounts to about $126,515 <br /> already in the budgets. Deirdre asked if there was any correlation between this amount of budgeting and <br /> the Town Accountant's finding that $13,000 was expended for vehicle maintenance. Bob said no, but if <br /> that's all it costs to maintain vehicles, then departments have been seriously over-budgeting in this area. <br /> The Fire & Rescue Dept. mechanic will be transferred. He specializes in fire apparatus and works on an <br /> as-needed basis. <br /> Privatization of Buildina Maintenan <br /> Bob stated we have only 11/2 janitors to support 6 buildings: town hall, library, senior center (newly <br /> expanded), police, museum and archives. Currently, the library and archives are cleaned by contractors, <br /> and the police is cleaned by Special Police Officers(who volunteer). Those cleaning service funds will be <br /> moved to Building & Grounds Maintenance line item. The 1/2-janitor will be re-assigned as a DPW fiffl- <br /> time laborer. The janitor will become a maintenance person also working out of the DPW. John Ferriday <br /> suggested one person in each building be responsible for seeing that the work is done and reporting to <br /> Bob, Nancy agreed with this approach. <br /> Ed noted that there are increases, but no cuts and Nancy disagreed. There have been cuts in town <br /> insurance and short-term borrowing, and the Selectmen anticipate fi=e savings from privatizing <br /> cleaning, in-house vehicle maintenance, and fuel tracking. Ed said he is not comfortable with increased <br /> spending when we face very tough times. <br /> Areas of Concern to the Selectmen <br /> Bob reiterated areas of concern that the Selectmen!s letter mentions which they would like the Finance <br /> Committee to "take extra care in reviewing" They are: 1) police and fire expense, especially <br /> communication; 2)police and fire overtime; 3)fire callback wages. <br /> REVENUES <br /> Bob pointed out that he has expended only 1% higher than last year. Ed and Dan suggested the Pension <br /> Trust Fund is low and needs to be replenished; therefore, we should apply whatever excess revenues <br /> and/or free cash we have to the Pension Trust Fund and the Stabilization Fund. Deirdre mentioned the <br /> Finance Committee's goal of setting aside 1% of the 21/2% levy increase. Bob said he thinks they have <br /> achieved that, since there is $161,124 still unexpended, Deirdre mentioned the Finance Committee's goal <br /> of placing $250,000 in the Stabilization Fund toward replacement of vehicles and equipment. Bob said he <br /> fully supports that, but feels the real management effort will take place in the Capital Improvement <br /> Program Committee. Its purpose will be to create a 6-year capital program, regular capital needs and <br /> major capital projects, which is the most crucial issue facing us. CIP bylaw requires a Finance Committee <br /> member. <br /> Deirdre asked Selectman Caflyn to place an article on the warrant to modify the town bylaw that <br /> disallows Finance Comn-dttee members from serving on any other body, to make an exception for the <br /> Capital Improvement Program Committee. <br />