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Economic Developme <br /> $13,000 is included in the Selectmen's budget as seed money to "rejuvenate our local economic <br /> development efforts." Deirdre stated that, using the FY92 tax rate of$10.75 (the FY93 tax rate has not <br /> been set due to an on-going reval), $13,000 represents taxes on about $1.2 million worth of property. <br /> Eco-Tourism and Recreatio <br /> $5,000 will be transferred from the Conservation Receipts Account to "create interpretive tour programs <br /> which will introduce residents and visitors alike to the beauty of Mashpee." John Ferriday recommended <br /> including the Wampanoag Tribal Council in this endeavor. Selectman Caffyn agreed, and stated that she <br /> favors the Councirs representation on the Economic Development Committee. <br /> B&ways/Walkways <br /> $50,000 of the DPW Road Improvement Fund is being earmarked for construction of half a mile of <br /> bikeway/walkway. Roger Dunivan said the DPW Director previously stated that he did not have money <br /> in his budget for this purpose. Bob said this is a change in priorities initiated by the Selectmen. The <br /> Selectmen have approved a plan for bikeways/walkways throughout Mashpee. Any new developments <br /> will contribute to their construction. Bob said Chapter 90 projects will also have bikeways associated <br /> with them. Ed said his understanding of Chapter 90 projects is that you have to spend the money before <br /> the funds are recoverable from the State, and Bob agreed. Ed asked if there is short-term interest for <br /> Chapter 90 projects included in the Treasurer's Temporary Borrowing line itern, and Bob said no. An <br /> adjustment in Temporary Borrowing will be made. <br /> Ed suggested the Selectmen explore with the Water District the concept of laying blue stone instead of <br /> loam and seed beside the roads after they lay water Pipe. This could add considerably to the <br /> biketwalkways along the roads where $2 million worth of water projects are expected in the coming year. <br /> "And you dont have to mow it," John Ferriday said. Selectmen Caffyn liked the idea. <br /> Human Service <br /> The Selectmen are following up on the consolidation that began in 1989 when Park & Recreation and <br /> Community School were merged into a Leisure Services Department, which was itself a result of the <br /> Youth 2000 Project that same year. They hope to reduce the fiagmentation of human service delivery in <br /> Mashpee, and gain a better understanding of the particular service needs of our residents. The Leisure <br /> Services Director (yet to be hired to replace Dean Driscoll) will act as a coordinator of human service <br /> delivery for Mashpee, and write a Community Needs Assessment. The Program Directoes hours will <br /> increase to 40 hours per week. That will total 2 40-hour people, 1 371/2 hour person and a 15-hour <br /> person, Deirdre asked if the f4ndi% for services currently provided through the Board of Health will be <br /> moved to Leisure Services, and Selectman Caffyn said no, not this year. <br /> Lifewaard Prouam <br /> A$5 increase in beach stickers will fund the reinstatement of lifeguards and gate attendants, much to the <br /> delight of our insurance carrier. The Residential Sticker will increase from $15 to $20; renters/all <br /> beaches from $50 to $55, and renters/Johns Pond Beach Only from$30 to $35. Ed strongly feels that the <br /> time share sticker price of$10 per unit be increased to at least the equivalent of the residential sticker. <br /> "For$15, a resident gets a sticker for one vehicle. For $15, a time share manager gets a sticker that can <br /> go on any vehicle. " Selectman Caffyn explained that the time share properties (Sea Mst, Holiday . <br /> Estates, and South Cape Beach) pay for stickers for all units, regardless of the number occupied. In <br /> addition, Sea Mst allows our senior citizens and town employees to use its indoor pool free, John <br /> Ferriday said he is not in favor of this kind of reciprocal relationship, or of the town accepting services <br /> free. <br />
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