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Dan handed out a revenue analysis he developed. it covered 1991-1993. Dan concluded that our <br /> "financial crisis" is less a lack of funds and more a matter of managing our resources better. Ed said <br /> current receipts are running slightly behind where they should be at this time of the year. The Committee <br /> members agreed to review the Darf s report and return to the subject of revenues at the next meeting. <br /> MEDICAL INSURANCE <br /> Dan asked why the Selectmen aren't bidding medical insurance. Bob explained that Mashpee belongs to a <br /> county-wide group that is self-insured. We pay out exactly what it costs for medical service to our <br /> members. We also have stop-loss insurance to protect in the event of catastrophic illness. The benefits <br /> the members receive is the equivalent of BCBS Master Medical Plus and costs $545 for Family Plan. <br /> Dan restated his desire for bidding, saying it is good business practice, and added that the Retirement <br /> Fund Management should also be bid. Selectman Caffyn agrees. <br /> SCHOOL BUDGET <br /> Roger has reviewed the budget request and prepared an analysis, copies of which he distributed to the <br /> Committee. He categorized items as "mandated" and "non-mandated." Dan handed out a report <br /> comparing the school budget with expenditures in previous years. Ed distributed a report from the Dept. <br /> of Revenue comparing Mashpee's school expenditures and educational results with other Cape towns. <br /> Due to the late hour, the Cominittee decided to postpone acting on the school budget until the next <br /> meeting. <br /> NEXT NEE is scheduled for Thursday, March 4. <br /> ADJO 10:00 P.M, <br /> Minutes respectfiffly submitted, <br /> Deirdre Greelish <br /> Acting Recording Secretary <br />