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Finance Committee <br /> Fiscal Year 1994 Proposed Budget <br /> Page 2. <br /> Economic Development: In the area of Economic Development, the sum of$13,000 is <br /> proposed to obtain professional guidance and consulting services in order to rejuvenate our <br /> local economic development efforts to attract clean, environmentally sound business to <br /> locate in Mashpee in order to provide additional jobs and tax base for our growing Town. <br /> If successfully used, this small investment will be paid back many times over in terms of <br /> strengthening our local economy. <br /> Eco-Tourism and Recreation: In the area of Eco-Tourism and Recreation, the Board <br /> proposes the redistribution of$5,000 in Conservation receipts in order to create interpretive <br /> tour programs which will introduce residents and visitors alike to the beauty of Mashpee. <br /> Using the Town's substantial conservation land resources, this initiative will help develop a <br /> system of trails and tours which will enhance the passive recreational amenities of our <br /> Town, and help show off what we consider to be the most beautiful natural areas on Cape <br /> Cod. <br /> Bikeways/Walkways: In this area the Board has designated the sum of$50,000 in the <br /> Department of Public Works Road Improvement Budget toward creation of a sidewalk and <br /> bikeway network for the Town. The first stage of implementation of a Town-wide <br /> bikeway plan adopted earlier in the year by the Board, this represents an important <br /> development for the Town both in terms of safety and recreation. With this first important <br /> step the Town will embark on an important program to improve the quality of life in our <br /> community for present and future residents. <br /> Human Services: In taking additional steps to improve the quality of life in our <br /> community, the Board has also studied its human service needs, and is proposing an <br /> initiative geared toward addressing this important element of service to our community. <br /> Since the 1989 Mashpee Youth 2000 Project report on better organizing our human service <br /> investments, the Town has been aware of the need to address human services at the local <br /> level. In this budget, the Selectmen have adopted the goal of acting in the most economical <br /> fashion possible to help foster a better coordination of our human service-related <br /> departments under one umbrella to enable them each to benefit from the resources of the <br /> other in order to improve service delivery with the Town. Specifically, the Board of <br /> Selectmen has expanded the dudes of the Leisure Services Director to encompass the <br /> coordination of local human services,and has added the necessary program and clerical <br /> support to ensure the smooth flow of work from this expanded department.This effort will <br /> also foster a closer working relationship between the Town and both State and regional <br /> human service agencies in order to permit the Town to more aggressively pursue greater <br /> accessibility of programs and services to Mashpee residents, and to reduce the <br /> fragmentation of our current human service delivery network. <br />