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Finance Committee <br /> Fiscal Year 1994 Proposed Budget <br /> Page 3. <br /> Lifeguard Program: The Selectmen propose the reinstitution of a lifeguard and <br /> gatekeeper program for our town beaches. With the substantial water-related recreational <br /> areas in this community,it is felt that a major initiative is required to properly manage these <br /> in order to ensure the safe, full and productive use of these resources by all of our <br /> residents. The Town should be extremely proud of its water-related recreational amenities, <br /> and along with this pride comes the responsibility to actively manage these areas. It is <br /> noted here that a$5.00 per sticker increase in beach permit fees will create enough funds <br /> from these fees to cover the cost of lifeguards. <br /> Vehicle Maintenance Program: In order to streamline vehicle maintenance, and to <br /> make the most efficient use of Town resources, the Board of Selectmen has proposed the <br /> creation of a Town-wide vehicle maintenance program to be operated through the <br /> Department of Public Works. One full-time mechanic/laborer will be added to utilize the <br /> DPW garage for maintaining Town vehicles, and all vehicle maintenance and fuel funds <br /> have been concolidated into a single maintenance account under the jurisdiction of the <br /> Board of Selectmen. While repairs and fuel usage will continue to be tracked by <br /> department, this consolidation of expenses and in-house maintenance will create permanent <br /> savings in this area. <br /> Privatization of Building Maintenance: Staff and resources for the maintenance of <br /> the Town Hall,Archives,Police Station and Senior Center have for some time been <br /> woefully inadequate to protect the condition of these buildings.Rather than adding new <br /> staff to develop a program to care for these buildings, the determination has been reached <br /> that it would be more efficient in this instance to privatize these services. A single town- <br /> wide maintenance person will remain on staff to perform maintenance and caretaker duties <br /> to address the many needs which cannot be met by a cleaning service. <br /> As noted, these important initiatives have been proposed from a fiscally conservative <br /> perspective, which means that they are being accomplished within the context of a fully- <br /> balanced budget, with no use of the Town's free cash reserves. It is the feeling of the <br /> Board that this approach will keep the Town on track during these tight times, while <br /> keeping pace with our mounting service delivery needs. <br /> In reviewing the overall budget, the Board asks that you take extra care in reviewing <br /> departmental expense budget accounts,especially in die Police and Fire expense and <br /> communication areas in order to fully examine these areas, which have grown rather <br /> rapidly since FYI992. Other areas to take a close look at in formulating your <br /> recommendations include Police and Fire overtime and Fire callback wages. The Board <br /> hopes to review these areas with the Committee at a later date. <br /> Ile Board thanks you for your important role in the budget review process, and looks <br /> forward to meeting with you and working closely to develop a coordinated package for <br /> presentation to our voters at our annual town meeting. Feel free to contact me at any time if <br /> you should have any questions concerning the proposed budget. <br />