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MASEPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> JANUARY 19, 1993 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7: OOP.M. <br /> *Members Present: Deirdre Greelish, chairperson; Dan Gaggin; Denise <br /> Sullivan; John Ferriday; Ed Baker; Tony Gallo and Roger Dunivan. <br /> Minutes <br /> John Ferriday MOTIONED to set aside (Robert's Rules of Order) , so t�hat <br /> the Minutes of December 10, 1992 could be voted on at the conclusion <br /> of the meeting rather than at the beginning. Members voted 4 to 2 in <br /> favor of setting aside the Minutes, Tony Gallo and Roger Dunivan <br /> Opposing. Dan Goggin was not present at the time of the vote. <br /> Greg Taylor, Director of the Department of Public Works, was present <br /> at the meeting; as well as residents of the Scituate Road and Cotuit <br /> Corners areas. There are two Requests for Transfer from the Reserve <br /> Account into the D.P.W. Expense Account. <br /> The first request is for $1, 200 to be transferred to provide 35 tons <br /> of dense crushed stone and 10 tons of asphalt to Cotuit Corners, <br /> including Brewster Road and others. This expense was unforeseen and <br /> is an emergency because of severe pot hole conditions affecting <br /> emergency response. The conditions apparently will worsen. <br /> The second request is for $8 , 000 to be transferred to reimburse the <br /> =Z- 's Expense Account for emergency drainage repair to Scituate <br /> There is serious flooding problems. The drainage system <br />[.nadequate and has failed. is <br /> Vinance Committee members decided to put the 7--te on hold, until after <br /> discussing the options of the homeowners in these areas with the <br /> residents that were present. The three options mentioned were 1. to <br /> ask the town to take the roads and make them public; 2 . that the <br /> D. P.W. Director take the roads because they are deemed a public hazard <br /> and; 3 . that the roads remain private, the work be completed and a <br /> betterment charge is charged to the abutters of the repair work. Mr. <br /> Taylor mentioned that t�he police did inspect the Cotuit Corners area <br /> and stated that it is a hazardous area. Mr. Taylor also mentioned <br /> that he has requested a line item be placed in his budget next year <br /> specifically for emergency repair expenses. <br /> Finance Committee members agreed that there should be a policy in <br /> place so that the roads can be made safe that there is a mechanism for <br /> paying for it. Mr. Ferriday stated that the homeowners need to get <br /> together and decide what it is they want to do. Tracy Morrissey, a <br /> resident, has petitioned the residents and is two signatures away from <br /> what she needs. Mr. Ferriday also felt that it should be Mr. Taylor's <br /> decision, because he is -the one who is knowledgeable about these <br /> situations. Mr. Gallo also felt that something should be done by the <br /> town to alleviate the problem and that Mr. Taylor should be the one to <br /> decide, with input from the residents of course. The residents felt <br /> that there was not enough information circulated to help them make a <br /> t <br /> knowledgeable choice. These residents that were present left there <br /> _ames, addresses and telephone numbers for Xr. Taylor. Denise <br /> 'UII:Lvan asked Mr. Taylor why he could not take these roads if it in <br /> s <br /> such an emergency. He explained that there is two ways to have this <br />