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-2- <br /> done, either petition or by submitting a proposal to the Board of <br /> Selectmen and then it would still have to go to town meeting. Mr. <br /> Taylor felt that he thought the Board of Selectmen would rather have <br /> the roads get to town floor by petition rather than by his proposal. <br /> Mr. Goggin asked the total cost of the whole subdivision, the Scituate <br /> Road area? Mr. Taylor estimated $250, 000, costing each homeowner <br /> between $2, 000 and $2,500 approximately. <br /> Members then agreed that they should wait to vote on these requests <br /> until -some type of private road repair policy is in place. Deirdre' <br /> Greelish had drafted a memo, which if agreed upon, would be sent to <br /> the Board of Selectmen regarding that policy. The policy would <br /> include 1. a sum of money in the D.P.W. budget specifically for <br /> emergency repair to private roads; 2. give the D- P.W. Director <br /> authority to initiate emergency repairs under $1, 000 and the authority <br /> to bill the property owners who own the road; and 3 . repairs over <br /> $1, 000 should be presented to the Executive Secretary for approval. <br /> Such repairs being covered by betterments, include cost of processing <br /> the betterments. Mr. Taylor felt that $2, 000 would be the more <br /> appropriat-� amouilt. Mr. Goggin suggested that the committee -send the <br /> executive secretary this policy, as well as making note of the past <br /> by-laws previously written regarding private roads. Members agreed <br /> and Ms . Greelish suggested that she would like to have the Finance <br /> commit-tee put on the Board of Selectmen's agenda so that they will <br /> come up with a formal policy. <br /> John Ferm--iday MOTIONED to accept the minutes of December 10, 1992 <br /> itten. Mr. Baker seconded the motion and members voted 7-0 in <br /> cceptance. <br /> It is noted for the record that Mr. Dunivan protested the rescheduling <br /> of the meetings of January 12th and January 14th because of the <br /> absence of one member. Ms . Greelish explained that the reason the <br /> meeting was rescheduled from 1/12 to 1/14 was because the gentleman <br /> who was scheduled to speak on behalf of the Barnstable County <br /> Retirement Association was unable to attend. The meeting of 1/14 was <br /> rescheduled because the Town Clerk did not post the change, therefore <br /> it was not legal to have the meeting. The meeting was then <br /> rescheduled to January 3.9, 1993 and the speaker for the Retirement <br /> Association would attend the January 26th meeting. <br /> Two members of the School Committee were present at the meeting. They <br /> notified the Finance Committee that the Board of Selectmen had tabled <br /> a decision for a special town meeting until after they received a <br /> formal report from the Facilities Planning Board. <br /> Diane Rommelmeyer, Town Accountant, was present at the meeting. she <br /> issued to the Members a Revenue Ledger/Revenue statement through <br /> December 31, 1992. She also issued an Expense Ledger Summary by <br /> Control Account. Ms. Rommelmeyer did not see any particular problems <br /> except With the police department. Their expenses are at 52.3% and <br /> their Utility bills are escalating. Mr. Dunivan stated that he is <br /> Meeting with the Police department next Tuesday. Members also <br /> iscussed the new-budget format with Ms. Rommelmeyer. <br />
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